Development pathways of organic agriculture: Lessons from comparing Austria and France
The Cultural Department of the French Embassy in Vienna invites participants of the IFSA 2010 Symposium interested in the development and prospects of organic food and farming to join the half-day workshop on Thursday 8 July 2010 at the Palais Clam-Gallas (Währinger Strasse 30). The workshop will take place from 9:00 – 13:00 hrs and will be followed by a buffet.
The objectives of the workshop are to:
- determine the specificities of organic food and farming in each country;
- identify transferable lessons; and
- seek topics for further transnational research cooperation, focusing on the development pathways of organic food and farming.
To introduce key topics and open the discussion, national experiences will be presented by Austrian and French speakers:
Short introduction: some elements of the organic food and farming situation in both countriesby Natacha Sautereau (INRA)
Experiences with eco-regions in Austria: Potentials and limitations by Markus Schermer and Christoph Kirchengast (Univ. Innsbruck)
Teritorial dynamics of transition: two french case studies by Claire Lamine (INRA) and Pierre Antoine Landel (Univ. Joseph Fourier)
Building and sharing knowledge to support organic farming development: Experiences from French network by Céline Cresson (ACTA)
The Austrian way: How tradition and innovation build the success of the movement by Susanne Kummer (BOKU) and Christian R. Vogl (BOKU)
• Does organic agriculture follow patterns of modern society? An interpretation based on theories of institutionalism by Bernhard Freyer (BOKU)
How can organics play the dual societal role expected in the new Coucil Regulation (EC No. 834/2007)? by Stéphane Bellon (INRA)
Following the presentations Ika Darnhofer (BOKU) and Stéphane Bellon (INRA) will summarise the key issues that emerged from the presentations and open the discussion with all participants. Raoul Mille (French Ambassy) will moderate the discussion.
This workshop builds on previous collaborations between the French National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research (INRA) in Avignon, and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). It is also supported by a French Mixed Technological Network for organic food and farming development (RMT DévAB).
Although the emphasis will be laid on comparing Austrian and French situations, the workshop is open to interested participants from other countries.
Participation is free of charge, but please register by sending an email to Natacha Sautereau.
Map of public transport from the BOKU University (venue of the IFSA 2010) and the French Cultural Institute.
Google Map indicating the location of the Palais Clam-Gallas (French Cultural Institute, Währinger Str. 30)