Pathways towards sustainable agri-food systems: tensions or synergies?
In this theme, three workshops were held:
WS 3.1 Sustainability of food chains: contested assessments
WS 3.2 Pathways for land use: the sustainable avenue of agroforestry
WS 3.3 Boundary spanning between agroecological and conventional production systems
WS 3.1. Sustainabilty of food chains: contested assessements
This workshop was convened by Gianluca Burnori, Erik Matjis, Dominique Berjolle, Maria Giampietro, James Kirwan, Damian Maye, Luca Colombo and Rudolf van Broekuizen.
M. Stefanova and M. Iannetta. On the use LCA indicators for the environmental assessment of food systems: the case of the mediterrannean diet.
C. Lesur-Dumoulin and H. Mérianne. Long-term sustainability assessment of market-gardening farms involved in short supply chains: a case study in South of France.
WS 3.2. Pathways for land-use: the sustainable avenue of agroforestry
This workshop was convened by Paul Burgess, Jo Smith, Rosa Mosquera Losada, Mike Straxchan, Helen Cheshire, Dirk Freese, Piero Paris and Jim Waterson.
V. Bondesan, A. Sartori, F. Ricardi and P.J. Burgess. Consumer perceptions and behaviours regarding traditional pork products from agroforestry pigs in Veneto region (north-east Italy).
L. Borremans, E. Wauters and M. Visser. Nurturing agroforestry systems in temperate regions: an analysis of discourses for an enabling environment in Flanders, Belgium.
J. Mirck, M. Kanzler, C. Boehm and D. Freese. Sugar beet yields in an alley cropping system during a dry summer.
P. Paris, M. Nahm, C. Durpraz, C. Morhart, L. Tosi, G.C. Doulgas, G. Facciotto, S. Bergante, J. André, R. Lunny, A.R. Graves and P.J. Burgess. Alley coppice and timber trees.
J. Smith, E.M. Crossland and M.S. Wolfe. Silvoarable agroforestry: an alternative approach to apple production?
S. Westaway, M. Chambers, M. Crossland, R. Wolton and J. Smith. Managing traditional hedges for biofuel.
WS 3.3. Boundary spanning between agroecological and conventional production systems: Implications for pathways towards more sustainable production
This workshop was convened by Rob Lillywhite, Julie Ingram and Julia Wright.
M. Duru, O. Therond, J. Roger-Estrade and G. Richard. Agriculture models at the crossroads of farming systems, food systems and territorial dynamics.
R. Home and M. Stolze. Learning from organic farming: Overcoming barriers to adopting agroecology.
D. Lemken. The re-innovation of mixed cropping - who's interested?
V. Lucas, P. Gasselin and J.D. van der Ploeg. Increasing searches for autonomy among French farmers: a starting point for agroecology?
J. Van Damme, A.M. Dumont and P.V. Baret. Informed participatory research, a methodological approach for investigating the potential of organic farming in the transition of food systems.