Theme 4: Food systems and networks
Overview of the workshops:
WS 4.1. Civic food networks as driver for sustainable food and farming systems
WS 4.2. Sustainable local public food systems
WS 4.1 ‘Civic food networks’ as driver for sustainable food and farming systems
This workshop was convened byChris Kjeldsen, Markus Schermer and Henk Renting.
F. Bedoin and T. Kristensen. Communication of farm-based qualities from farmer to consumer: case studies of Danish beef chains.
X.S. Fernández, D.C. Rodriguez, L. Rodriguez, L.D. Garcia and P. Swagemakers. Co-producing cultural coherency: impact and potentials of civic food networks in Spain.
D.M. Johson and J.C. Hanson. Achieving Sustainability through Local Food Systems in the United States.
C. Kjeldsen and M. H. Thorsøe.Filling a blank space: A study on the emergence of food communitites (Fødevarefællesskaber) within the Danish foodscape.
J. Lutz and J. Schachinger. Consumer-initiated alternative food networks – Speiselokal!
R. Milestad and S. Kummer. Does growth hurt? Resilience of farms in growing local organic food networks.
M. Ostrom and r. Jussaume. Reframing Food: Understanding Trends in Consumer Food Purchasing and Implications for Agri-food Movement Mobilization in the Northwestern U.S.
K. Ostrowski. Unwrapping The Northern Sea cheese - Enacting place in the Danish dairy food sector.
G. Martino and R. Pampanini. Exploring the role of consumers as drivers of agri-food networks: contexts, beliefs, and governance.
M. Schermer. Changing Consumer-Producer Relations in Austria.
F. Sousa, C. Aguiar and D. Aveiro. Mirandesa meat PDO: The strategies of family-farm systems for their governance.
M. Vaarst and E. González-Garcia. The concept of food sovereignty to European Food Systems: importance, practical possibilities and challenges.
WS 4.2 Sustainable local public food systems
This workshop was convened by Helmi Risku and Bent Egberg Mikkelsen.
B.E. Mikkelsen and D. Ruge. The Public as political consumer – caseinsights from developing regional public food strategies in Danish Region Nord.
M. Mikkola and H. Risku-Norja. Local public food – upgrading match between concepts and structures.
D. Ruge. LOMA - Local Foodstrategies for children and youth in public institutions.
M. Stein.Public Sector food Procurement and Sustainability in UK Schools.