Theme 2: Institutions and policy
Overview of workshops:
WS 2.1. Comparing the impacts of neoliberal and highly regulated approaches to agriculture
WS 2.2. Systems thinking and practice in rural innovation
WS 2.1. Comparing the impacts of neoliberal and highly regulated approaches to agriculture
This workshop was convened by Dr. Lesley Hunt.
M. Clow and D. McLauglin. The problematic nature of agriculture: Understanding the perils and pitfalls of improving on nature.
E. Fabusoro, M. Maruyama and O.E. Fapojuwo. Japanese Farmers’ Dilemma on Pro-liberalization Policies and Structural Transformation of the Japan Agricultural Cooperative.
L. Hunt, C. Rosin, H. Campbell and J. Fairweather. Changing what it means to be a ’good farmer’: A study from ARGOS of the impact of neoliberalism on New Zealand farmers.
WS 2.2. Systems thinking and practice in rural innovation
This workshop was convened by Prof. Cees Leeuwis, Ass. Prof. Alex Koutsouris, Ass. Prof. Laurens Klerks, Ass. Prof. Annemarie van Paassen and Ass. Prof. Barbara van Mierlo.
P.J. Beers and F. Geerling-Eiff. Facilitated Networks and Beyond: Policy instruments for agricultural innovation.
E. Berthet, C. Barnaud, N. Girard and J. Labatut. Toward a reflexive framework to compare collective design methods for farming system innovation.
C. Blackmore. Landscapes of practices, social learning systems and rural innovation.
A. Huq Chowdhury, H. Hambly Odame and C. Leeuwis. Transforming Roles of Public Extension to Strengthen Innovation: Lessons from Bangladesh.
C. Eastwood and S. Kenny. Assessing the impact of uncertainty in automatic milking innovation systems – an international perspective.
O. T. Elhadi and H. Boland. Knowledge networking among actors of the Rahad Agriculture Scheme, Gedarif State, Eastern Sudan.
F. Hermans, L. Klerkx and D. Roep. Structural conditions for dynamic innovation networks: a review of eight European Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems.
J. Höckert and M. Ljung. Sharing farmers’ lifeworld – advisors key to sustainable farm development.
N. Hoffet, I. Daoud, V. Alary, J.-F. Tourrand and N. Moselhy. Participation, Power and Sustainable Water Resource Management, A Case Study of The Rainfed Desert Region of Matruh, Egypt.
R.L. Ison, C. Bruce, P.S. Carberry, Y. Maru, L. McMillan, B.C. Pengelly, A. Sparrow, R. Stirzaker and P.J. Wallis. A ‘learning system design’ for more effective agricultural research for development.
C.W. Kilelu, L. Klerkx and C. Leeuwis. Unraveling innovation platforms – Insights from co-evolution of innovation in a smallholder dairy development program in Kenya.
M. Klimek, B. Freyer and R. Paxton. The Perceptions of the Human-Nature Relationship among Organic Farmers in Minnesota.
A. M. Langvad. Multi-stakeholder land-water management - How are sustainable measures constructed in practice?
M. Lægdsgaard Madsen and E. Noe. Communities of practice as an analytical approach to understanding decision making on multifunctional aspects on Danish dairy farms.
R.A. Nettle, P. Brightling and A. Hope. Creating teams for rural innovation? Constraints and possibilities in operationalizing a program-team model in the Australian dairy industry.
K. Refsgaard and J.M. Bryden. Green innovation – co-learning and conflict resolution.
P. Swagemakers, T. Baars and H. Wiskerke. Re-orienting rural innovation.
B. Triomphe, A. Floquet, G. Kamau, B. Letty, S. Davo Vodouhe, T. N’gan’ga and H. Hocdé. What does an inventory of recent innovation experiences tell us about agricultural innovation in Africa?