Theme 1: Learning and knowledge systems, education, extension and advisory services
Convenors: Thomas Aenis, Alex Koutsouris, Pierre Labarthe, Guy Faure, Patrizia Proietti, Simona Critiano, Andrea Knierim
Anglade, Juliette; Matthieu Godfroy, Xavier Coquil. A device for sharing knowledge and experiences on experimental farm station to sustain the agroecological transition
Bhanjdeo, Arundhita; Marta Hernandez-Jover, Gavin Ramsay. Stakeholder perception and learning from projects: Multi actor agricultural projects
Blackmore, Chris; Nadarajah Sriskandarajah, Ray Ison. Developing learning systems for addressing uncertainty in farming, food and environment: what has changed in recent times?
Burton, Rob J.F.; Lee-Ann Sutherland, Claire Hardy. Demonstration farms in historical context
Charatsari, Chrysanthi; Afroditi Papadaki-Klavdianou, Alex Koutsouris, Evagelos D. Lioutas. Agronomic education and the quest for sustainability: Is there a link?
Chiwasa, Hastings; Daimon Kambewa. Demand-based extension models for smallholder farmers in Malawi
Cooreman, Hanne; Joke Vandenabeele, Lies Debruyne, Julie Ingram, Hannah Chiswell, Alex Koutsouris, Eleni Pappa, Fleur Marchand. Development process of a conceptual framework to investigate the role of peer learning processes at on-farm demonstrations in the light of sustainable agriculture
Cristiano, Simona; Patrizia Proietti. Do EIP interactive innovation approaches interact each other?
de Bruin, Annemarieke; Jonathan Ensor. Innovating in context: social learning and agricultural innovation
Elzen, Boelie; Peter Paree, Marleen Gysen, Claire Hardy, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Fleur Marchand, Lies Debruyne, Miguel Cordero, Ivonne de Bruijn. FarmDemo: Valorize expertise through a joint ‘visionary framework’ for two H2020 projects
Favilli, Elena; Tim Hycent Ndah, Yulia Barabanova. Multi-actor interaction and coordination in the development of a territorial innovation project: some insights from the Cilento Bio-district in Italy
Gabel, Vanessa; Robert Home, Matthias Stolze, Lukas Pfiffner, Simon Birrer, Ulrich Köpke. Motivations for Swiss lowland farmers to conserve biodiversity: Can individual beliefs be influenced by on-farm advice?
Gaisina, Sholpan. Financial literacy in rural areas of Kazakhstan – determinants and characteristics
fileadmin/Proceeding2018/1_Gaisina.pdfGodinot, Olivier. SEGAE: a serious game project for agroecology learning
Guimarães, Helena; Isabel Ferraz-de-Oliveira, Teresa Pinto-Correia. How long does it take to make innovation became custom? The montado case study
Hall, Alison; Lydia Turner, Sue Kilpatrick. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour framework to understand Tasmanian farmer decision making and adoption of pasture management practices to inform future extension
Hamza, Eszter; Katalin Rácz, Dorottya Szabó, Orsolya Márkiné Tóth, Eszter Varga. Challenges of labour supply in agri-food sector in Hungary
Hernández, Paola Andrea. Promoting sustainable food systems in EU’s remote rural regions through a place-based knowledge approach
Ingram, Julie; Hannah Chiswell, Jane Mills, Lies Debruyne, Hanne Cooreman, Alex Koutsouris, Eleni Pappa, Fleur Marchand. Identifying functional characteristics that enable learning in demonstrations: a discussion paper
Johnson, Dale; LeAnn A. Johnson. Characteristics of successful extension education programs: Dairy examples from the University of Maryland Extension
Kabir, Khondokar Humayun; Andrea Knierim, Ataharul Huq Chowdhury. Assessment of pluralistic advisory services: A case of Madhupur Sal forest in Bangladesh
King, Barbara; Sally Martin, Irene Sobotta, Jana-Axinja Paschen, Margaret Ayre, Nicole Reichelt, Ruth Nettle. Becoming an adviser within the privatized extension sector: Challenges and successes of seven early career advisers
Konstantidelli, Vasilia; Alexandros Koutsouris, Pavlos Karanikolas, Konstantinos Tsiboukas. Setting-up a Farm Advisory Network in the Agricultural University of Athens: an exploratory analysis
Koutsouris, Alex; Eleni Zarokosta. Innovation support in farmer-driven processes – Lessons from Greece
Labarthe, Pierre; Lee-Ann Sutherland, Boelie Elzen, Anda Adamsone-Fiskovica. Advisory role in farmers’ micro systems of agricultural knowledge and innovation (microAKIS)
Lioutas, Evagelos; Chrysanthi Charatsari, Marcello De Rosa, Giuseppe La Rocca. Knowledge and innovation in the agrifood supply chain: Old metaphors and new research directions
Micha, Evgenia; John Lynch. Nutrient management planning and water protection efficiency: examining the farmers’ attitudes towards using soil testing as a nutrient management tool
Moreau, Clémence; Cécile Barnaud, Raphaël Mathevet. Using the concept of ecosystem services to foster social learning for concerted management of social ecological system: preliminary results from a case study in Mont Lozère, France
Morgans, Lisa; Sarah Bolt, Lisa van Dijk, Henry Buller, Maria P. Escobar, Kristen Reyher, David Main. Farmer Action Groups - A participatory approach to reducing antimicrobial use on UK dairy farms
Navarrete, Mireille; Hélène Brives, Maxime Catalogna, Lucie Gouttenoire, Claire Heinisch, Claire Lamine, Emilie Ollion, Sylvaine Simon. Farmers’ involvement in collective experimental designs in a French region, Rhône-Alpes. How do they contribute to farmers’ learning and facilitate the agroecological transition?
Ndah, Hycenth Tim; Andrea Knierim, Alex Koutsouris, Guy Faure. Diversity of innovation support services and influence on innovation processes in Europe – Lessons from the AgriSpin project
Nettle, Ruth; Margaret Ayre, Barbara King, Nathan La, Jana-Axinja Paschen, Nichole Reichelt, Erin Smith. The advisory and extension system in Australia: Opportunities for strength in pluralism
O'Flynn, Trish; Áine Macken-Walsh, Andy Lane, Chris High. Farmers doing it for themselves: how farmer-inventors are frustrated by their interactions with the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System
Olaghere, Ivie; Abdulazeez Muhammad-Lawal, Kemi Omotesho. Constraints to liquid fertilizer usage in dry season vegetable production in the Southern Guinea Savannah Zone of Nigeria
Oudshoorn, Frank; Lesley Lap. Management and strategic advisory by using farm-based sustainability assessment in Denmark. Exemplifying the importance of imagery and process guidance (facilitation)
Pappa, Eleni; Alex Koutsouris, Julie Ingram, Lies Debruyne, Hanne Cooreman, Fleur Marchand. Structural aspects of on-farm demonstrations: Key considerations in the planning and design process
Phillips, Tom; Laurens Klerkx, Marie McEntee. An investigation of social media’s roles in knowledge exchange by farmers
Poizat, Axelle; Brigitte Frappat, Sabrina Corbel, Philippe Roussel, Marylise Le Guénic, Florence Bonnet-Beaugrand, Julie Duval, Nathalie Bareille. Learnings from an exploratory implementation of an innovative training-program to reduce antibiotic use in the dairy sector
Quiédeville, Sylvain; Petya Slavova, Jean-Marc Touzard, Dominique Barjolle. Assessing the role of the research in the transition to organic farming by using the Actor Network Theory: lessons from two case studies in France and Bulgaria
Reichelt, Nicole; Jacqui Knee, Bruce Hancock, Ian Linley, Doug McNicholl, Ashley Norval, Jana-Axinja Paschen, Ruth Nettle, Barbara King, Margaret Ayre. An opportunity not to be missed: the possibilities to support Australian dairy and meat processors in agricultural advisory service provision
Rizzo, Davide; Mehdi Jaber, Andrii Yatskul, Benoît Detot, Anne Combaud. A robot from the scratch in 5 months. How agronomy students could master agricultural equipment innovation
Santhanam-Martin, Michael; Lisa Cowan. Making “middle managers”: Workforce development for agricultural industries in transition
Scholz, Sabrina; Ralf Bloch, Susanne von Münchhausen, Anna Maria Häring. “Cropping School” - An alternative to advisory services in Brandenburg, Germany?
Seale, Catherine; Andy Lane, Chris High, Áine Macken-Walsh, Martin Reynolds. Reaping the rewards of learning within agricultural knowledge systems: An account of a PhD learning system
Triste, Laure; Joke Vandenabeele, Ludwig Lauwers, Fleur Marchand. Learning from the developmental history of sustainable farming initiatives
Wielinga, Eelke; Alex Koutsouris. Tools to observe innovation processes: The AgriSpin experience
Wurzinger, Maria; Gustavo Gutierrez, Carlos Gomez, Hernán Cucho, Liliana Picardi, Graciela Nievas, Juan Pablo Gutierrez, Frederic Lhoste. Transforming higher education: How universities can engage with stakeholders