Theme 1: Knowledge systems, learning and collective action
Overview of the workshops
WS 1.1 - Innovation and change facilitation for rural development
WS 1.2 - Care farming: Challenges and innovations in agriculture and social care
WS 1.3 - Reaching the unreached
WS 1.4 - Design methods, system approaches and co-innovation
WS 1.5 - Transdisciplinarity as a framework for integrating science and stakeholders
WS 1.6 - Learning from and with local experts
WS 1.7 - Virtual realities and the future of distance learning in rural areas
WS 1.8 - Knowledge systems, innovations and social learning in organic farming
WS 1.1 - Innovation and change facilitation for rural development
This workshop was convened by Artur Cristovao and Alex Koutsouris
Leeuwis, C. and N. Aarts. Rethinking communication in innovation processes: Creating space for change in complex systems. pp. 1-13.
P. Kyrö, S. Iivonnen, S. Mynttinen, M. Särkkä-Tirkkonen and H. Hahiluoto. Social capital and entreprenuerial behaviour advancing innovativeness in interaction between small rural entrepreneurs and researchers - A phenomenographic study. pp. 14-22.
A. Koutsouris. The emergence of the intra-rural digital divide: A critical review of the adoption of ICTs in rural areas and the farming community. pp. 23-32.
A. Kamanzi. Farmers manipulating the elite: Right, wrong, reasonable? pp. 33-42.
W. Wellbrock, D. Roep and J.C. Wiskerke. The governance of rural regional learning and innovation – Towards an analytical and reflexive research framework. pp. 43-53.
M. Cerf, M. Guillot and P. Olry. Does sustainability require new skills for change agents in agriculture? pp. 54-63.
J. Höckert, M. Ljung and N. Sriskandarajah. From collaborative heroes to collaboration as a culture: The importance of internal collaborative skills for sustained collective action. pp. 64-74.
L. Klerkx and J. Jansen. Building knowledge systems for sustainable agriculture: Supporting private advisors to adequately address sustainable farm management in regular service contacts. pp. 75-84.
S. Soltani, S. Jamal F. Hosseini, M. Chizari and S. Mehdi Mirdamadi. Identifying a new role for agricultural extension to provide service to small food industries in rural areas of Iran. pp. 85-95.
E. Wielinga, M. Dijkshoorn and J. Sol. In search of structural innovations in the Dutch green knowledge system. pp. 96-105.
C. Barnaud and A. Van Paassen. Equity, power games and legitimacy: dilemmas of participatory learning processes. pp. 106-115.
F.M. Santucci. From agriculture to rural development: The case of saffron (Crocus Sativus) in Umbria (Italy). pp. 2237-2246.
C. Dzeco, C. Amilai and A. Cristóvão. Farm field schools and farmer’s empowerment in Mozambique: A pilot study. pp. 116-124.
N. Faysse, M. Errahj, M. Kuper and C. Dumora. Going uphill: design of an alternative narrative of family farmers’ collective action in large-scale irrigation schemes in Morocco. pp. 125-134.
T. Koehnen, A. Baptista, V. Silva and J. Brás. Strengthening social capital with excluded rural populations in Portugal. pp. 135-143.
P.J. Beers, J. Sol and A. Wals. Social learning in a multi-actor innovation context. pp. 144-153.
J. Mills, D. Gibbon, J. Ingram, M. Reed, C. Short and J. Dwyer. Collective action for effective environmental management and social learning in Wales. pp. 154-164.
E. Fabusoro. Institutions for collective action among settled fulani agro-pastoralists in outhwest Nigeria. pp. 165-174.
I. Schad, R. Roessler, A. Neef and V. Hoffmann. Enabling collaborative learning? Lessons from group-based extension in Vietnam’s smallholder pig husbandry. pp. 175-185.
S. Morgan. Communities of Practice and social learning in associations of organic farmers in Wales. pp. 186-197.
M. L. Madsen and E. Noe. Communities of practice as a learning theoretical perspective on developing new water environmental planning processes in a Danish context. pp. 198-206.
R. Nettle, P. Brightling and J. Williamson. Building capacity in collective action: learning from dairy industry workforce planning and action in Australia. pp. 207-217.
A. Michailidis, M. Partalidou and A. Papadaki-Klavdianou. Internet development as a change driver in rural areas: Potentials and pitfalls. pp. 218-229.
WS 1.2 - Care farming: Challenges and innovations across the domains of agriculture and social care
This workshop was convened by Dorit Haubenhofer, Marjolein Elings and Jan Hassink
S. Parsons, D. Wilcox and R. Hine. What care farming is. pp. 230-238.
M. Elings. The added value of care farms and effects on clients. pp. 239-247.
J. Schockemöhle. Rural action learning – Designed to promote competencies and strengthen participation. pp. 248-257.
H. Wydler and M. Gairing. Care farming in Swiss farm households – Gender aspects in pluriactivity. 258-271.
L. Demattio, C. Gupta, S. Scholl and K. Zipper. Quality management and certification requirements for animal assisted education/therapy on Austrian farms. pp. 272-278.
T. Fischer. Care farming in Austria – A spatial analysis of state of play and looking out on the near future. pp. 279-286.
R. Renner. Stabilizing a care farming project: Challenges and importance of supporters. pp. 287-296.
J. Hassink, J. Grin and W. Hulsink. Understanding the development of regional foundations of care farms in the Netherlands. Contributions from transition theory and institutional entrepreneurship. pp. 297-305.
A.E. Roest, S.J. Oosting, R.T. Ferwerda-van Zonneveld and J.F. Caron-Flinterman. Regional platforms for green care farming in the Netherlands. pp. 306-314.
D.K. Haubenhofer, M. Blom-Zandstra, I. Kattenbroek and W. Brandenburg. Green Care as opportunity for knowledge systems, learning and collective action across Europe. pp. 315-320.
WS 1.3 - Reaching the unreached
This workshop was convened by Huub Kerckhoffs
H. Kerckhoffs and W. Smith. Reaching distant rural Maori communities in New Zealand through successful research partnerships. pp. 321-329.
E. van de Fliert, P. Thi Voung, D. Thi Minh Hien, P. Thomas and O. Nicetic. Out of comfort zones, into realities: research for development with upland ethnic minority communities in North West Vietnam. pp. 330-342.
A. Orbunde. Communication as an effective tool in Agricultural Marketing Information System (AMIS) dissemination: Implications for the future. pp. 343-349.
K. Giri and H.R. Ojha. Enhancing livelihoods from Community Forestry in Nepal: Can technobureaucratic behaviour allow innovation systems to work? pp. 350-359.
WS 1.4 - Design methods, system approaches and co-innovation
This workshop was convened by Bram Bos and Onno van Eijk
G. Martin, J.-P. Theau, O. Therond, M.-A. Magne, R. Martin-Clouaire and M. Duru. Combining plot-scale indicators and farm-scale simulation to support the design of novel grassland-based beef systems. pp. 360-370.
M. Sell. Approaches to adoption of innovation as an adaptive measure to climate change. pp. 371-378.
J. Labatut, N. Girard, J.-M. Astruc, F. Barillet, B. Bibe and C. Soulas. Renewing collaborative design in the management of animal genetic resources. pp. 379-392.
P. Béguin, M. Cerf and L. Prost. Co-design as a distributed dialogical design. pp. 393-401.
W.A.H. Rossing, S. Dogliotti, G.-F. Bacigalupe, E. Cittadini, C. Mundet, B. Douthwaite, S. Álvarez, K. Tehelen, M. Lundy and C. Almekinders. Project design and management based on a co-innovation framework: Towards more effective research intervention for sustainable development of farming systems. pp. 402-412.
J. Zwartkuris, L. Klerkx, E. Moors, J. Farla and R. Smits. Co-innovation in sustainable laying hen husbandry systems: Investigating the interactive framing of sustainability. pp. 413-422.
L. Klerkx, N. Aarts and C. Leeuwis. Dealing with incumbent regimes: Deliberateness and serendipity of innovation agency. pp. 423-433.
O. van Eijk, C. de Lauwere, H. Miedema, E. van Weeghel and L. Kaal-Lansbergen. How participatory design works as an approach for provoking system innovations towards sustainable pig production in the Netherlands. pp. 434-443.
L. Gouttenoire, S. Cournut and S. Ingrand. Building causal maps of livestock farming systems using a participatory method with dairy farmers. pp. 444-452.
C. Contini, M. Gabbai, L. Omodei Zorini and B. Pugh. Involving stakeholders in the exploration of sustainability perspectives and farming system innovations: A case study from Latin America. pp. 453-462.
M. Casagrande, S. Dogliotti, J. Groot, V. Aguerre, A. Abbas, A. Albín, P. Chilibroste and W. Rossing. Exploring options for sustainable farming systems development for vegetable family farmers in Uruguay using a modeling toolkit. pp. 463-469.
WS 1.5 - Transdisciplinarity as a framework for itegrating science and stakeholder's perspectives
This workshop was convened by Bernhard Freyer, Katharina Gössinger and Sebastian Helgenberger
C.R. Binder, R. Schoell and J. Diaz. Bringing together diverging system perspectives: The utility of transdisciplinary scenario analysis. pp. 470-478.
L. Gorissen, S. Vanasche, E. Cornelis, L. Pelkmans and F. Nevens. Transitioning towards a sustainable bio-based economy: A few systemic roadblocks to overcome. pp. 479-486.
S. Karner and N.E. Chioncel. ‘Co-operative research’: An integrated approach through transdisciplinarity. pp. 487-491.
P. Lescoat, T. Bonaudo, L. Mior, P. Bommel, J. Lossouarn and R. Poccard-Chapuis. How to link poultry industry and territory for a sustainable development? An interesting question to learn and practise transdisciplinarity. pp. 492-499.
T. Aenis. A communication model for transdisciplinary consortium research. pp. 500-509.
C. Leeuwis and J. Milgroom. The role of research in conflict over natural resources. Experiences from the ‘Competing Claims’ programme in Mozambique. pp. 510-516.
K. Ngetich, B. Freyer and J. Bingen. Transdisciplinary research in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and challenges in Kenya. pp. 517-526.
H.F. Alrøe and E. Noe. Multiperspectival science and stakeholder involvement: Beyond transdisciplinary integration and consensus. pp. 527-533.
S. Helgenberger. Tracking the traces of transdisciplinarity – Establishing the societal impact perspective in the discussion of the added value of transdisciplinary research cooperations. pp. 534-539.
A. Knierim, S. Siart, V. Toussaint, K. Müller and H. Wiggering. Development of climate change adaptation strategies within the transdisciplinary network INKA BB. pp. 540-547.
WS 1.6 - Learning from and with local experts
This workshop was convened by Brigitte Kaufmann, Christian Hülsebusch and Ton Baars
P. Swagemakers and J. Wiskerke. Farmers building alliances. pp. 548-563.
R. Rodela. A bottom-up rural regeneration initiative: A social learning analytical perspective. pp. 564-572.
O. Nicetic, D. Rae and E. van de Fliert. From knowing it all to learning to engage – Experiences from Australian interventions in agricultural research and development in Vietnam. pp. 573-584.
E. van de Fliert, E. Jamal and B. Christiana. The Do-It-Yourself formula – Internalising participatory communication principles to support rural development in Eastern Indonesia. pp. 585-593.
WS 1.7 - Virtual realities and the future of distance learning in rural areas
This workshop was convened by Kirsten von der Heiden and Monica Commandeur
M.A.M. Commandeur. Virtual realities and farming systems. pp. 594-601.
J.-P. Aurambout, C.J. Pettit, F. Sheth and I Bishop. Virtual farming systems to communicate climate change impact data to farming communities. pp. 602-609.
S. Gaiani. Establishment of a Finnish ICT rural village network. pp. 610-621.
E. Gelb. ICT Adoption for Distance Learning – a Challenge for Convention (The Israeli Agricultural Extension case study). pp. 622-629.
V. Peer. Knowledge – Source and product of rural learning processes. pp. 630-640.
K. Demiryürek. Distance education for rural people in developing countries: YAYÇEP experience from Turkey. pp. 641-647.
O. Deji and P. Teherani-Krönner. Engendering university agricultural distance learning curriculum for sustainable rural development in developing countries: A Nigerian perspective. pp. 648-655.
K. von der Heiden. The discourse on added value and adoption impediments of a distance learning-format in Brandenburg, North-Eastern Germany. pp. 656-663.
WS 1.8 - Knowledge systems, innovations and social learning in organic farming
This workshop was convened by Lisa Aigelsperger, Susanne Kummer, Rebecka Milestad, Christian Vogl and Ataharul Chowdhury
S. Kummer, L. Aigelsperger, R. Milestad, A. Chowdhury, C.R. Vogl. Knowledge systems, innovations and social learning in organic farming - An overview. pp. 664-669.
F. Marchand, K. De Mey, L. Debruyne, K. D'Haene, M. Meul and L. Lauwers. From individual behaviour to social learning: start of a participatory process towards sustainable agriculture. pp. 670-682.
M. Vaarst, E. Gratzer, M. Walkenhorst, S. Ivemeyer Jan Brinkman, S. March, L.K. Whistance, G. Smolders, E. Stöger, J. Huber, C. Leeb, S. Roderick, C. Winckler, B.I.F. Henriksen, P. Nicholas, B Hansen and C.M. Mejdell. Farmer groups for animal health and welfare planning in European organic dairy herds. pp. 683-691.
S. Šumane. From organic farmer networking to organic knowledge system. pp. 692-702.
S. Bellon, D. Desclaux and V. Le Pichon. Innovation and research in organic farming: A multi-level approach to facilitate cooperation among stakeholders. pp. 703-717.
G. Lieblein, T. Arvid Breland, C. Francis, A. Steen Holm, M. Moulton, K. Adler and E. Østergaard. Agroecology education: Action learning and action research. pp. 718-729.
H. Rieken and H. Boland. How to create the initial contact between organic extentionists and conventional farmers and apprentices. pp. 730-739.
F. Leitgeb, E. Sanz Soro and C.R. Vogl. Farmers’ experiments in Cuba’s urban agriculture. pp. 740-749.
F. Leitgeb and C.R. Vogl. Farmers’ experiments and innovations and their contribution to Cuba’s agricultural innovation system. pp. 750-759.
R. Aktar, A. Chowdhury, AKM Zakaria and C.R. Vogl. Seed information and communication networks of male and female farmers: A micro level study in Bangladesh. pp. 760-769.
R. Milestad, S. Kummer and C.R. Vogl. Building farm resilience through farmers´ experimentation. pp. 770-778.