Theme 3: Integrating science, technology, policy and practice
Convenors: Julie Ingram, Andrea Knierim, David Gibbon, Eelke Wielinga, Michael Kuegler, Thomas Aenis
Akano, Oreoluwa; Sinah Modirwa, Azeez Yusuf, Oladimeji Oladele. Making smallholder farming systems in Nigeria sustainable and climate smart
Allain, Sandrine; Gaël Plumecocq, Delphine Leenhardt. Post-normal science in practice: a method proposal and its application to agricultural water management
Asplund, Therese; Tina-Simone Neset, Janina Käyhkö, Lotten Wiréhn, Sirkku Juhola. Integrating social science and agricultural practice through serious gaming – perspectives on benefits and challenges
Ben Othmen, Marie Asma. Individual preferences and public incentives: What agro-environmental scheme for grassland restoration by farmers? The case if the Normandy region in France
Cardona, Aurélie; Servane Penvern, Marc Tchamitchian. Researchers, advisors and growers working together to design monitoring methods for functional agro-biodiversity
Cristiano, Simona; Patrizia Proietti. Evaluating interactive innovation processes: towards a developmental-oriented analytical framework
D’Oronzio, Maria Assunta; Giuseppina Costantini. Agricultural knowledge and systems in Basilicata, southern Italy: key actors and implementation of dialogue
Diehl, Katharina; Bettina König. Integrating sustainability at the front end of system innovations in agriculture using a triple-helix approach
Fiala, Valentin; Bernhard Freyer, Milena Klimek, Alexandre Fahringer. How to train transdisciplinary competences? Insights from a lecture on 'System Analysis and Scenario Technique'
Grando, Stefano; Simona Cristiano, Serenella Puliga, Annalisa Zezza. Assessing the impact of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR). A tentative assessment framework
Hubeau, Marianne; Jonas Van Lancker, Fleur Marchand. A systems approach to explore transformative socio-technical innovations
Hübner, Rico; Andrea Winterling. A transferable strategy to reduce competition for food and feed production in the establishment of agroforestry systems for energy production
Nicolay, Gian L. Understanding and changing farming and food & fiber systems. The organic cotton case in Mali and West Africa
Paschen, Jana-Axinja; Jim Shovelton, Andrea Evers, Carole Hollier, Ruth Nettle, Margaret Ayre, Barbara King, Nicole Reichelt. Facilitating the collaboration of practitioner and scientific knowledge: experiences from an Australian action research intervention
Schmitt, Emilia; Seraina Schwab, Fabienne Vukotic, Isabel Jaisli. The potential of digital platforms to facilitate the diffusion of diversification strategies in agriculture
Stevens, David; Linda Samuelsson, Sue McCoard, Li Day, Wayne Young, Natalie Bartlett, William Konui, Peter Gatley, Nick Hammond, Thomas MacDonald, Miles King, Jazz Hewittson. Using a co-innovation approach to accelerate the development of dairy sheep enterprises in New Zealand
Stotten, Rike; Markus Schermer, Ulrich Strasser, Gertraud Meißl, Thomas Marke, Kristian Förster, Herbert Formayer. Participatory socio-economic scenario development for land use change: a methodological approach
Tabouret, Sophie. The implementation of vine varieties testing in Languedoc: a watershed in the production of knowledge?