Theme 4: Smart technologies in farming and food systems
Convenors: Laurens Klerkx, Andrew Wilcox, Pierre Labarthe, Julie Ingram
Agyekumhene, Christopher; Jasper R. de Vries, Annemarie van Paassen, Philip Macnaghten, Marc Schut, Arnold Bregt. The role of ICTs in improving smallholder maize farming livelihoods: The mediation of trust in value chain financing
Ayre, Margaret; Vivienne McCollum, Warwick Waters, Peter Samson, Anthony Curro, Ruth Nettle, Jana Paschen, Barbara King, Nicole Reichelt. Exploring the value proposition of digital technologies in smart farming: an approach co-designed by agricultural advisors
Eastwood, Callum; Margaret Ayre, Brian Dela Rue. Farm advisors need to adapt to provide value to farmers in a smart farming future
Fielke, Simon; Robert Garrard, Emma Jakku, Aysha Fleming, Leanne Wiseman, Bruce M. Taylor, Ryan McAllister. The ‘Digitalisation of Agricultural Innovation Systems’: Governing the DAIS and exploring the prawn aquaculture value chain
Fountas, Spyros; Frits van Evert, Athanasios Balafoutis, Vasileios Psiroukis, Michael Koutsiaras, Konstantinos Grivakis, Pieter Blok, Chris van Dijk, Sandra Wolters, Sakura Tomita, Herman Berghuijs. Inventory of smart farming technologies – focus of commercial and research products
Ingram, Julie; Pete Gaskell. Reflections on co-constructing a digital adviser with stakeholders in agriculture and forestry
Jakku, Emma; Bruce Taylor, Aysha Fleming, Claire Mason, Simon Fielke, Peter Thorburn, Chris Sounness. “If they don’t tell us what they do with it, why would we trust them?” Applying the multi-level perspective on socio-technical transitions to understand trust, transparency and benefit-sharing in Smart Farming and Big Data
Knierim, Andrea; Friederike Borges, Maria Lee Kernecker, Teresa Kraus, Angelika Wurbs. What drives adoption of smart farming technologies? Evidence from a cross-country study
Lazzaro, Mariateresa; Peter Paree, Diego Guidotti, Panagiota Koltsida, Stephen Benians, Paolo Barberi, Eleni Toli. Digital tools co-creation to ease the dialog among farmers’ communities with diverse visions. A practical case with conventional and organic farmers in CAPSELLA
Liang, Di; Hector Delgado, Victor Cabrera. A Virtual Dairy Farm Brain
Merianchris Emeana, Ezinne; Liz Trenchard. The potential impact of mobile phone application in agroecological transitioning in southeast Nigeria
Moschitz, Heidrun; Matthias Stolze. How can we make sense of smart technologies for sustainable agriculture? – A discussion paper
Regan, Áine; Stuart Green, Paul Maher. Smart Farming in Ireland: Anticipating positive and negative impacts through a qualitative study of risk and benefit perceptions amongst expert actors in the Irish agri-food sector
Rijswijk, Kelly; Laurens Klerkx, James A. Turner. Digitalisation of agricultural knowledge providers: the case of New Zealand
Schut, Antonius; Keiji Jindo, Johannes W.A. Langeveld, Marja Rijerse, Lydia Munika, Peter Matyoko. Important lessons from new tailor-made services for smallholder farmers
Toma, Luiza; Andrew Barnes. An analysis of farmers’ perceptions of the impact of technology on farm