Enabling governance, policy and institutions
In this theme, the following nine workshops were held
WS 5.1 Developing agricultural advisory systems for innovation
WS 5.2 Farm succession, inheritence and retirement
WS 5.3 Rural development policies in the peripheral Southern and Eastern European regions
WS 5.4 Exploring farmers' conditions, strategies and performances
WS 5.5 Value chain research and developments
WS 5.6 Food governance for metropolitan and local food systems
WS 5.7 There are other options: boundary issues in innovation system governance
WS 5.8 Enabling innovation: the innovative capacity of farmers and rural institutions
WS 5.9 Public food procurement policies - Local and organic food
WS 5.1. Developing agricultural adivsory systems for innovation: Governance and innovative practices
This workshop was convened by Ruth Nettle, Guy Faure, Laurens Klerkx, Margaret Ayre and Barbara King.
R. Brazendale and K. Rijswijk. Setting up an innovation network: Public and private sector collaboration to solve pasture performance issues in the New Zealand dairy industry.
G. Faure, M.K. Huamanyauri, I. Salazar, C. Gómez, E. de Nys and M. Dulcire. Privatisation of agricultural adivsory services and consequences for the dairy farmers in the Mantaro Valley, Peru.
U. Knuth and A. Knierim. Agri-environmental advisory services in pluralistic AKIS in the EU - an analysis framework for governance structures.
K. Mikwamba, J. Dessein, L. Messely and D. Kambewa. Governance and operational dilemmas of a pluralistic and demand-driven extension services.
J.-A. Paschen, N. Reichelt, B. King, M. Ayre and R. Nettle. Enrolling advisers in governing privatised agricultural extension in Australia: challenges for the innovation system.
E.P. Stræte, L. Klerkx, G.T. Kvam, E. Ystad and R. Hårstad. Achieving best-fit in Norway: Challenges for advisory services to offer relevant advice to various types of farmers.
O. Tyseer Elhadi and H. Boland. Role and interactions of agro-pastoral organizations and finance institutions in agriculture innovation: the study of Rahad Agriculture Scheme-Sudan.
WS 5.2. Farm succession, inheritance and retirement: Challenges for agricultural futures
This workshop was convened by Brian Leonard, Marie Mahon, Maura Farrell, Cathal O'Donoughe and Anne Kinsella.
B. Leonard, M. Mahon, A. Kinsella, M. Farrell, C. O'Donoghue, T. Hennessy and T. Curran. The potential of farm partnerships to facilitate farm succession and inheritance.
O.I. Akintayo and B.O. Lawal. Willingness of youth to practice agriculture: implications for farm succession and sustainable farming systems in Nigeria.
M. Santhanam-Martin. Starting a process: practice and policy lessons from a farm succession planning intervention in the Australian dairy industry.
S. Conway, J. McDonagh, M. Farrell and A. Kinsella. Intergenerational family farm transfer: an insight into the human side.
WS 5.3. Rural development policies in the peripheral southern and eastern European regions
This workshop was convened by Emiliana Leonilde Dinis Gil Soares da Silva, Ana Alexandra Vilela Marta-Costa and Jakub Piecuch.
A. Marta-Costa and E. Silva. Global overview of the rural development programme: the mainland Portugal case-study.
V. J. Pereira Domingues Martinho. A model for the agricultural planning at farm level for the European Union countries.
V. J. Pereira Domingues Martinho. The impact of subsidies on the agricultural sector: a linear programming approach to Portugese farming.
E. Silva, E. Jonnalagedda and A. Marta-Costa. The efficiency of POSEI and PRORURAL programs in Azores Islands development.
WS 5.4. Exploring farmers' conditions, strategies and performances in a context of multi-dimensional policy requirements, market imperfections and globalisation: towards a conceptual model
This workshop was convened by Erik Mathijs, Gianluca Brunori, James Kirwan, Damian Maye, Steven Van Passel, Sébastien Treyer and Anna Maria Häring.
I. Bonjean and E. Mathijs. How transaction costs shape market power: conceptualization and policy implications.
S. v. Münchhausen, K. Knickel, R. Milestad and T. Lasner. Adaptation strategies and performances of three producer groups in times of change: lessons learned from the application of the CSP framework in three case studies.
S. Grando, F. Bartolini, G. Brunori, P. Prosperi, T. Avermaete, I. Bonjean and E. Mathijs. Strategies for sustainable farming: an overview of theories and practices.
M. Larcher, M. Schönhart and E. Schmid. Applied and planned risk management strategies of Austrian farmers.
S. Lumbroso, S. Treyer, P. Martin and X. Poux. Revealing strategic conversations around future visions of agriculture to improve the debate on transformation pathways towards sustainable farming systems.
S. Madelrieux and P. Lescoat. Effects on territories of endling milk quotas - exploratory findings from two contrasting French case studies: the Niort Plain and the Chartreuse Massif.
R.G. Methorst, D. Roep and J.A. Verstegen. Three-fold embeddednes of farm development.
F Minarelli, F. Galioto, M. Raggi and D. Viaggi. Asymmetric information along the food supply chain: a review of the literature.
P. Prosperi, F. Bartolini, G. Brunori, S. Grando, J. Kirwan, D. Maye and M. Vigani. Strategies of fishers and fish farmers: a preliminary analysis for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.
M. Weltin, I. Zasada and A. Piorr. The role of financial support: strategies of farm households on diversification of income sources under two policy scenarios.
WS 5.5. Value chain research and development. Approaches for diverse farming systems
This workshop was convened by Susanne Hofmann-Souki, Napoleón Molina and Wolfgang Bokelmann.
J. van der Lee, S. Oosting and L. Klerkx. Market quality gradients in smallholder dairy farming systems: how spatial factors affect smallholder production and marketing strategies in the East African highlands - conceptual framework paper.
S. Hofmann-Souki, N. Molina, W. Bokelmann and R. Cárcamo Mallen. Participatory assessment of value chains for diversifying small-scale farms - developing a tool for practitioner-led analysis and innovation.
WS 5.6. Food governance for metropolitan and local food system - connecting urban and rural
This workshop was convened by Ulrich Schmutz, Stefanie Lemke and Andrea Knierim.
A. Doernberg, P. Voigt, I. Zasada and A. Piorr. Urban food governance in German cities: actors and steering instruments.
T. Pott, N. Claasen and S. Lemke. Governance of agricultural programmes in South Africa - potentials and constraints for local food systems adopting a right to food lens.
O. Schmid, H. Moschitz, M. Dubbeling, R. Fritschi, I. Jahr and H. Wiskerke. Governance for urban food systems - recommendations from SUPURBFOOD project.
C.I. Sodiya, E. Fabursoro and A.R. Abubakar. The health belief model as a tool for food safety governance for milk and cheese produced by settled Fulani Pastoralists in Southwest Nigeria.
WS 5.7. There are other options: boundary issues in innovation system governance
This workshop was convened by Janice Jiggings, Niels Roling, Ray Ison and Chris Blackmore.
T. Phillips, C. Woods and B. Lythberg. An investigation into the aspirations, governance and management challenges of Mâori farming trusts.
N. Röling. Institutional change: challenge for agricultural extension and the science that supports it. Evidence from West Africa.
M. Graversgaard, M.H. Thorsøe, C. Kjeldsen and T Dalgaard. Evaluating public participation by the use of Danish water councils - prospects for future public participation processes.
S. van Bommel, C. Blackmore and J. de Vries. Performing and orchestrating governance learning in practice.
N.T. Reichelt, P.J. Wallis, R.L. Ison, J. Davies, P. Carberry, A. Sparrow, A. Hall and Y. Maru. Mediating boundaries between knowledge and knowing: ICT and R4D praxis.
K. Knickel, T. Correia and M. Almeida. Sustainable food and nutrition security: is there a need to pay much more attention to smaller food businesses and local food systems?
WS 5.8. Enabling Innovation - the transformative (innovative) capacity of farmers and rural institutions
This workshop was convened by Terence Mc Fadden.
F. Bonnet-Beaugrand, N. Bareille, J. Defois, N. Fortané, B. Frappat, A. Gros, N. Joly and C. Samedi. Step by step torwards a reduction in antibiotics in French dairy cattle farms: a typology of trajectories of change based on learning and advice.
S. Peter and K. Knickel. Renewable energy transitions - lessons learned from rural pilot regions and communities in southwestern Germany.
A.D. Odedeji, E. Fabusoro, C. Sodiya, C.I. Onifade and A.S. Adeoye. Analysis of indigenous institutions for collective action in fostering co-operation for sustainable land use among pastoral communities of Ogun State, Nigeria.
WS 5.9. Public food procurement policies: local and organic food in public catering systems
This workshop was convened by Mark Stein, Helmi Risku-Norja and Carola Strassner.
C. Strassner and R. Roehl. Organic produce in municipal foodservice operations and other public bodies in Germany.
E. Pagliarino, G. Falavigna, P. Agostini, M. Marchesan, G. Scavino F. Fermani and C. Murri. Holistic approach in the design of public catering for old people: a case study of fish consumption in Italian hospital and elderly care facilities and implications for public food procurement.
E. Santanera and E. Pagliarino. Exploring the role of parents in sustainable school food procurement.
H. Risku-Norja. Local food and public food procurement.
L. Stahlbrand. Short food supply chains and "infrastructure of the middle": the role of university food procurement in sustainability transition.
M. Jones, A. Donnelly, H. Pitt, L. Oxford, J. Orme, S. Gray, D. Salmon, R. Means, E. Weitkamp, R. Kimberlee and J. Powell. Capturing the value of sustainable food procurement through social return on investment analysis: lessons from the Soil Association's Food for Life programme.
M. Haack, S. von Münchhausen and A.M. Häring. Discrepancy between theory and practice: procurement of local and organic food in public catering systems.
M. Grivins, I. Kunda and T. Tisenkopfs. Competing school food agendas and green public food procurement.