Methods and frameworks of farming systems transformation
In this theme, five workshops were held:
WS 2.1 Sustainability assessments at farm-level for catalysing practical change
WS 2.2 Well-being in rural areas: How is it affected by different farming systems?
WS 2.3 Temperate agriculture - Sustainability assessment beyond the farm-level
WS 2.4 Beyond participatory methods
WS 2.5 Management of interdisciplinary research processes
WS 2.1. Sustainability assessments at farm level for catalysing practical change
This workshop was convened by Andreas Roesch, Marion Sautier, Hayo van der Werf, Jan Grenz and Henrik Moller
Lioy, R., A. Meier, T. Dusseldorf, R. Reding, C. Thirifay. Sustainability assessment in Luxembourish dairy production by CONVIS: A tool to improve both environmental and economical performance of dairy farms.
E.M. de Olde, P. Derkzen, F.W. Oudshoorn and C. A.G. Sørensen. Lessons learned from a qualitative sustainability assessment method "Farm Talks".
M. Baccar, A. Bouaziz, P. Dugué, M. Gafsi and P.-Y. Le Gal. Assessing family farm sustainability using the IDEA method in the Saïs plain (Morocco).
J. Benge, A. Barber, I. Le Quellec and J. Mahire. Implementation of sustainability assessment and reporting in horticulture: a case study of New Zealand's wine and kiwifruit sectors.
B.R. Ssebunya, C. Schader, L. Baumgart and J. Landert. Comparing the sustainability performance of cerfitied and non-certified coffee farms in Uganda: Synergies and trade-offs between sustainability themes.
K. Diehl. Sustainabtility assessment of agro-ecological innovations at territorial and value chain scale
M. Moretti and S. van Passel. Integrated assessment of agro-ecological systems. The case study of the 'Alta Murgia' National Park in Italy.
M. Sall, M. Gafsi and A. Bonnassieux. Farm transformation process of the groundnut basin and perceptions of farmers linked to the climate change issue.
M. Shakya, W. Löwenstein, M. Hansen, L. Hope and S. Donkoh. Welfare impacts of agricultural innovations. A theory-based impact assessment of biochar as a soil amendment and improved wastewater irrigation in West African cities.
D.R. Stevens, B.R. Thompson, D.R. Scobie, and D. O'Connell. Understanding the impacts of technology on farming system design using a linear programming approach to resource optimisation - A case study of increasing pasture production in New Zealand hill country environments.
WS 2.2. Well-being in rural areas: How is it affected by different farming systems?
This workshop was convened by Diana Surová, Teresa Pinto-Correia and Isabel Rodrigo.
A.K.J.R. Nayak. Economies of scope: context of agriculture, smallholder farmers and sustainability.
L. Paresys, E. Malézieux, J. Huat, M.J. Kropff and W.A.H. Rossing. Resource endowment and the greater good: balancing labour between family and individual fields on Beninese farms.
A.M. Dumont and P.V. Baret. Quality of work of vegetable growers in conventional and agroecological systems, in the Walloon Region (Belgium).
G.R. Smith, G. Strachan and D. Gibbon. Comparing sustainable rural well-being in United States and United Kingdom contexts.
D. Surová, S. Godinho and T. Pinto-Correia. Is the local agriculture related to the well-being or rural community today? A case from Portugal, Southern Europe.
H.R. Metawi. Transformation of traditional pastoral livestock systems in Egypt.
WS 2.3. Temperate agriculture sustainability assessment beyong the individual farm level
This workshop was convened by J. Grenz, H. Moller, F. Marchant and A. Roesch
A. Raghaven Sathyan, T. Aenis and L. Breuer. Climate vulnerability analysis facilitating transformation of watersheds in Kerala, India.
I. Coteur, F. Marchand, S. Van Passel, C. Schader, L. Debruyne, H. Wustenberghs and S. Keszthelyi. Benchmarking sustainabililty farm performance at differente levels and for different purpose: elucidating the state of the art.
P.J. Gregory and E. Kougioumoutzi. TempAg: an international research consortium for sustainable agriculture in temperate regions.
H. Wustenberghs, I Coteur, L. Debruyne and F. Marchand. Discerning the stars: characterising the myriad of sustainability assessemnt methods.
J. Whitehead, Y. Lu, H. Still, J. Wallis, H. Gentle and H. Moller. Target setting and burden sharing in sustainability assessment beyond the farm level.
WS 2.4. Beyond participatory methods. Approaches for facilitating transformation of agricultre and agri-food systems
This workshop was convened by Michael Hauser, Lorenz Probst, Birgit Habermann, Maria Wurzinger and Florian Peloschek.
C. Lambombe, N. Couix and L. Hazard. Participatory design of agroecological farming systems need to match the collective goal of transformation with farmers' professional projects.
J. Henze and C. Ulrichs. The potential and limitations of mobile-learning and other services in the agriculture sector of Kenya using phone applications.
J. Van Damme and M. Guillaume. Participatory research: a comprehensive process for a new generation of researchers.
G. Nicolay. Theory-based innovation platform management. A contribution of sociology to agriculture research and development.
WS 2.5. Management of interdisciplinary research processes
This workshop was convened by Thomas Aenis and Bettina König.
E.M. de Olde, F.W. Oudshoorn and C.AG. Sørensen. The role of sustainability assessment tools in enhancing dialogue and joint learning in transdisciplinary research on dairy farming.