Theme 2: Feeding the future with sustainable agro-food systems
Overview of the workshops:
WS 2.1: Healthy growth in value-based chains
WS 2.2: Transition issues in production, marketing and consumption - Animal production
WS 2.4: The role of localised agrifood systems in a globalised Europe
WS 2.5: Achieving co-benefits for sustainability and health
WS 2.6: Integrative and interdisciplinary approaches to ecologisation
WS 2.7: Sustainability of dairy farms
WS 2.8: Farming in the cities
WS 2.9: Greening the CAP
WS 2.11: Larger fields, faster tractors - does it contribute to prosperity and resilience?
WS 2.1. Healthy growth in value-based chains
This workshop was convened by Hilde Bjørkhaug, Handan Giray, Gunn-Turid Kvam and Egon Noe.
K. Brønd Laursen and E. Noe. Dynamics and stability in growth of values based food chains: Understanding organizational evolution in organic food systems.
H. Risku-Norja, M. Mikkola and J. Nuutila. Policy goals, research needs and research regarding organic sector in Finland.
V. Fiala, B. Freyer, R. Paxton and J. Bingen. Institutional Adaptive Capacity of Organic Farmer Associations in growing Organic Agrifood Systems.
M. Thorsøe and E. Noe. Conventionalization or diversification? – Development in the Danish organic production sector following market expansion.
G.-T. Kvam and H. Bjørkhaug. State of the art review - On healthy growth initiatives in the mid-scale values-based chain of organic food.
C. Furtschegger and M. Schermer. The perception of organic values and ways of communicating them in mid-scale values based food chains.
S. v. Muenchhausen, K. Schulz, A.M. Haering and R. Llamas Vacas. Strategies for medium-sized values-based food chains during growth processes.
M. Ramos and E. Torremocha. Evaluation of agroecology policy schemes in Andalusia driving cooperation initiatives for the midscale distribution and consumption.
WS 2.2. Transition Issues in Production, Marketing and Consumption for the Agro- Ecological Development of Animal Production
This workshop was convened by Yolanda Mena Guerrero, Francisco de Asís Ruiz Morales and Jean-Paul Dubeuf.
T. Linck and H. Navarro. The untied qualification processes impacts on the argan territorial productive systems and on the “food social space” changes.
F.A. Ruiz, C. Lara, Y. Mena and R. Gutiérrez. Actions to increase the sustainability of sheep production systems in Mediterranean disadvantaged areas: The case of the Lojeña sheep breed.
Y. Mena, R. Gutiérrez-Peña, F.A. Ruiz-Morales, M. Damian, I. Aguirre, P. Fernandez-Rebollo and A. Horcada. Marketing improvement of organic meat and milk in Andalusia through the enhancement of the environmental role of this production model.
N. Entrup. International Finance Institutions hamper transition to higher welfare systems in animal production.
A. Lauvie, N. Couix and J.M. Sorba. Transition toward systems linking animal genetic resources, low input farming systems and products processed on the farm; development logics of the Bretonne Pie Noir local cattle breed.
J.M. Sorba and M.A. Mouloud. Qualifying the Corsican cheeses as pastoral products: Issues for market mediations.
WS 2.4. The role of Localized Agrifood Systems in a Globalised Europe
This workshop was convened by Andrea Marescotti, Giovanni Belletti, Artur Cristóvão, Dominique Barjolle, François Casabianca and Paulina Rytkönen.
G. Belletti, A. Brazzini and A. Marescotti. The effects of the legal protection Geographical indications: PDO/PGIs in Tuscany.
R. Belmin, F. Casabianca, J.M. Meynard. A crop model as an “intermediary object”: Lessons from a participatory research on the agronomical bases of PGI Corsican Clementine typicity.
A. Corsi, S. Novelli and G. Pettenati. Alternative Food Networks in Piedmont: farmers’ direct sales and urban consumers.
M. De Rosa, F. Adinolfi, L. Bartoli and S. Chiappini. The aptitude to promote value creation in GI areas through the adoption of rural development policies.
M. Dervillé and F. Wallet. Institutionalizing short food supply chains for sustainable resource management: challenging issues.
J. Forney and I. Häberli. Is “local” enough? New localised food networks in the Swiss dairy industry.
A. Lauvie and P. Stassart. Can systems using hyper specialized breeds be considered as localized agrifood systems? The example of the Belgian Texel breed.
M. Millet and F. Casabianca. Territorial anchorage of French dairy ewes sectors: Historical analysis of interdependence between given localized agrifood systems.
F. Xiomara, R. Quiñones, E. Barzini, G. Belletti, F. Leitgeb, A. Marescotti, M. Penker, L.F. Samper G.and S. Scaramuzzi. Comparing registration efforts for Protected Geographical Indications in Austria, Colombia and Italy.
P. Rytkönen. Constructing the new rurality– challenges and opportunities of a recent shift in Swedish rural policies.
E. Schmitt, V. Cravero, G. Belletti, A. Marescotti, G. Brunori and D. Barjolle. Defining a set of attributes and indicators to evaluate the multidimensional performance of local to global food value chains: thoughts from Switzerland.
K.L. Sidali and S. Scaramuzzi. Resilience to Strategies to Loose Strictness of Specification Sheets in GI Consortia.
M. Klimek, J. Bingen and B. Freyer. The Role of Values in Farmers’ Markets; Comparative Case Studies in Minneapolis and Vienna.
WS 2.5. Achieving co-benefits for sustainability and health through alternative agro-food systems
This workshop was convened by Rebecca Paxton, Bernhard Freyer and Milena Klimek.
R. Paxton, B. Freyer, F. Leisch and J. Bingen. Austrian organic farmers’ perceptions of the relevance of environmental influences for health promotion.
O. Schmid, G. Brunori, F. Galli, P. van de Graaf, A. Prior and R. Ruiz. Contribution of short food supply chains to sustainability and health.
WS 2.6. Integrative and interdisciplinary approaches to the ecologisation of agrifood systems
This workshop was convened by Claire Lamine, Benoît Dedieu and Gianluca Brunori.
C. Petit and C. Aubry. Technical and commercial change during transition to organic farming: towards a methodological approach based on the scope of the leaps forwards.
F. Hermans, D. Roep and L. Klerkx. Upscaling grassroots innovation for sustainable agriculture: experiences from the Dutch dairy sector.
J. Van Lancker and K. Mondelaers. An innovation systems model for innovation research in the bio-economy.
M. Hubeau, K. Mondelaers, I. Coteur, F. Marchand and L. Lauwers. Towards more sustainable agri-food chains: a new conceptual framework.
N. Girard, D. Magda, C. Noseda and S. Sarandon. Practising agroecology: management principles drawn from small farming in Misiones (Argentina).
J.-E. Bergez, M. Duru, L. Hazard and O. Therond. TATA-BOX: “Territorial Agroecological Transition in Action”: a tool-Box for designing and implementing a transition to a territorial agroecological system in agriculture.
M. Le Bail, M.-B. Magrini, M’hand Fares, A. Messéan, A. Charlier, F. Charrier
and J.-M. Meynard. How to break out the lock-in on crop diversification in France?
P. Martin, C. Bouty, A. Barbottin and M. Le Bail. Diversifying strategies of agricultural cooperatives towards agro-ecological transition.
M. Kulak, T. Nemecek, E. Frossard and G. Gaillard. Improving resource efficiency of low-input farming systems through integrative design – two case studies from France.
L. Couto Gomes, J.-Y. Pailleux, B. Dedieu, C.R. Alcalde and S. Cournut. An approach for assessing the ecological intensification of livestock systems.
M. Moraine, J. Grimaldi, C. Murgue, M. Duru and O. Therond. Integrating crop and livestock activities at territorial level in the watershed of Aveyron river: from current issues to collective innovative solutions.
A. Vankeerberghen and P.M. Stassart. Crossing two niches of agroecological innovation: the case of organic farming and conservation agriculture.
M.O. Nozieres, V. Baritaux, C. Cournut, M. Gedouin and S. Madelrieux. Describing the evolutions, in a territory, of the interactions between livestock farming systems and downstream operators. Proposal for a methodological framework, based on the comparison of 4 territories and 2 types of production: milk and meat.
A. Rossi, L. Dvortsin and V. Malandrin. The co-production of sustainability by learning networks. The case of reconstruction of knowledge and practices around bread production.
C. Lamine, J.-M. Audergon, S. Penvern, S. Simon and J. Pluvinage. From genetics to marketing (…and through complex connexions and interdependencies): an integrative approach of the ecologisation of fruit production.
WS 2.7. Sustainability of Dairy Farms – Concepts, Measurements and Empirical Results
This workshop was convened by Ludwig Theuvsen, Birthe Lassen and Monika Zehetmeier.
D.M. Johnson, J.C. Hanson, R.R. Weil, R. Gilker, E. Lichtenberg and K. Minegishi. Sustainability of Management-intensive Grazing Dairy Farms versus Conventional Confinement Dairy Farms.
D.E. Dalley, J.B. Pinxterhuis, C. Chapman, G. Edwards, K. Carmeron, H. Di, P. Beukes and A. Romera. Strategies for increasing dairy production while controlling environmental footprint on dairy farms in Canterbury, New Zealand.
A. Sundrum. Sustainability of living systems within milk production in need of resources and regulation.
H. Sommer and G. Leithold. Evaluating the impact of intensification of dairy production on the sustainability and environmental safety.
V.E. Cabrera and M. Dutreuil. Implementation of greenhouse gas mitigation strategies on organic, grazing and conventional dairy farms.
R. Lioy, T. Dusseldorf, A. Meier, R. Reding and S. Turmes. Carbon footprint and energy consumption of Luxembourgish dairy farms.
D. O´Brien, J.L. Capper, P.C. Garnsworthy, C. Grainger and L. Shalloo. A life cycle assessment case study of the carbon footprint of high performance Irish, UK and USA dairy farms.
H. Bytyqi, M. Thaqi, F. Hoxha, A. Misini, B. Haxhija, H. Mehmeti and V.E. Cabrera. Economic Assessment of Dairy Farm Production in Kosovo.
M.I. Batalla, M. Pinto and O. del Hierro. Environmental, social and economic aptitudes for sustainable viability of sheep farming systems in northern Spain.
M. Ljung and K. Marquardt. Linking practice to policy: Dairy farmers’ understanding of ecosystem services for long term farm sustainability.
S. Kirchweger, M. Eder and J. Kantelhardt. Economic impacts of strategy selection in Austrian dairy farming: an empirical assessment.
A.D. Soteriades, P. Faverdin, M. March and A.W. Stott. A slacks-based Data Envelopment Analysis framework to identify differences in sustainability
patterns between four contrasting dairy systems.
WS 2.8. Farming the cities: Exploring the role of agriculture and food in enabling sustainable urban food systems
This workshop was convened by Aurora Cavallo, Francesca Giarè and Clara Cicatiello.
S. Tohmé Tawk, Z. Moussa and S.K. Hamadeh. Mainstreaming Urban Agriculture in the Middle East and North Africa: a multi-stakeholder approach.
M. Ricci, C. Mattogno, B. Monardo, A.L. Palazzo and P.A. Valentino. Feeding the City - Foodsheds and Urban Agriculture in San Diego.
A. Pirani, A. Gaviglio and M. Bertocchi. Sustainable development for a model of agriculture in the metropolitan systems.
L. Mastronardi, D. Marino, A. Giannelli and M. Gagliano. Exploring the role of Farmers in Short Food Supply Chain: the case of Italy.
A. Cavallo, R. Guadagno and D. Marino. The local agrifood systems in face of changes in urban rural relationship: the foodscape of Rome.
S. Grando, R. Henke, L. Ortolani and F. Vanni. Food and beyond. Multifunctional farms in the metropolitan context of Rome.
C. Salvioni and M. Fonte. Between research and action: problems and conflicts arising in the construction of the MAP of the Solidarity Purchasing Groups in Rome.
A. Porro, G. Ferrazzi, R. Spigarolo, S. Corsi and S. Bocchi. Local Food Systems: Opportunities and Threats in creation of local model in Lombardy (IT).
M. Mudhara, U. Kolanisi, J. Chitja and K. Naidoo. The extent of urban agriculture and its contribution to food security in low income areas: The case of Msunduzi Local Municipality in South Africa.
R. Filippini, E. Marraccini and S. Lardon. AFNs in periurban areas: the meeting of food demand and supply as an emergent issue.
M. Stein. School food procurement and Sustainability in northern England and Wales.
B. Redlingshöfer, J.B. Traversac, J.G. Messmer and C. Aubry. Multi-actor organization for urban food systems: short but collaborative supply chains.
I. Borri, P. Borsotto and L. Aguglia. A meeting point between agricultural producers and consumers: the Italian Solidarity Purchasing Groups case study.
WS 2.9. Greening the CAP
This workshop was convened by Monica Commandeur and Flaminia Ventura.
H. Sommer and A. Sundrum. Determining the feeding value and digestibility of the leaf mass of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and various types of clover.
F. Diotallevi, F. Ventura and G. Martino. CAP vs farmers: which beliefs move incentives.
WS 2.11. Larger fields, faster tractors, GPS, milk robots, automated egg production, … Does this type of agricultural change contribute to lasting prosperity and resilience?
This workshop was convened by Karlheinz Knickel, Ika Darnhofer and Mark Redman.
M. Mizanur Rahman, B. Klees and T. Sal-sabil. Rice, Smallholder Farms, and Climate Change in Bangladesh: Policy Suggestions for Climate and Social Resilience.
S. Madelrieux, M. Terrier, D. Borg and L. Dobremez. Development trajectories of mountain dairy farms in the globalization era. Evidence from the Vercors (French Northern Alps).
E. Öhlund. Swedish Pig Farming from a Degrowth Perspective.
D. Soares Júnior, P. Pedelahore, N. Cialdella and R. Ralisch. Changes and resistance in family farming systems facing the agricultural intensification model in emerging countries. The example of Paraná State in Brazil.
M. Forbord and J. Vik. Motivation for increased production among Norwegian farmers.
T. Pinto-Correia and C. Gonzalez. The local landscape attractiveness as the ground for innovative land management: acknowledging new place based interactions for resilient farm systems.
I. Darnhofer und A. Strauss. Resilience of family farms: understanding the trade-offs linked to diversification.
K. Poppe, S. Wolfert and C. Verdouw. How ICT is changing the nature of the farm: a research agenda on the economics of big data.
T. Tisenkopfs and S. Šumane. “We manage what we can at pace we can”: small farmers’ development strategies in turbulent context in post-socialist Latvia.
E. Wauters and F. van Winsen. What determines the flexibility of farming systems? A case-study of the bovine farming sector in Belgium.
P. Swagemakers, P. Milone, F. Ventura and X. Simón Fernández. Resilient farmers’ strategies and policy regulations: the quest for modernization on Dutch and Italian dairy farms.
O. Schmid and P. Näf. Assessment of two modern milk farms (low input versus high external input) in Switzerland focused on sustainability and resilience criteria.
R.G. Methorst, D. Roep, F.J.H.M. Verhees and J.A.A.M. Verstegen. Farmers’ perception on options for farm development in a situation of limiting nearby surroundings.
J. Lasseur, L. Dupre and J. Sicard. More sheep, more space…but not any tractor! Is farm enlargement (always) damageable regarding sustainability in French Mediterranean mountains?
L. Søderkvist Kristensen, T. Plieninger, J. Primdahl and E. Andersen. Well-functioning landscapes – on re-coupling agricultural and rural development.
K. Bruckmeier and G. Olsson. An attempt to clarify the resilience concept for renewed strategies of agricultural and farm modernization.