Theme 5: Landscape and land use
Overview of workshops:
WS 5.1. The landscape as the basis for integrating different dimensions
WS 5.2. Assymetric rural development and revalorization of marginal lands in Europe
WS 5.3. Research-Education-Action platforms
WS 5.1 The landscape as the basis for integrating different levels of management, policy making and other dimensions of the rural
This workshop was convened byTeresa Pinto-Correia and Lone Kristensen.
M. Almeida and T. Pinto-Correia. Exploring the use of landscape as the basis for the identification of High Nature Value farmland: a case-study in the Portuguese montado.
B. Christen et al. Exploring farmers' interaction with landscape, society and
environmental regulation using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping.
T. Dalgaard, U. Jørgensen, I.T. Kristensen, M. Gylling J. Dejgaard, A. Dubgaard, C. Kjeldsen, J.E. Hermansen, B. Christen, K.G. Turner and S. Andersen. Concepts for a multi-criteria sustainability assessment of a new more biobased economy in rural production landscapes.
E.-A. Nuppenau. From Farming-System-Analysis to Land-Use-System-Analysis: How to integrate Eco-System-Services and Non-Farm Communities.
P. Swagemakers, L. Dominguez Garcia and X.S. Fernández. Tracing territorial capital: a landscape based approach to institutional innovation.
T. Pinto-Correia, L. Madeira and S.C. Ribeiro. Developing a methodological approach to create indicators contributing to measure the effects of policies in rural areas - Case study in Alentejo, South Portugal.
D. Rizzo, E. Marraccini, S. Lardon, H. Rapey, M. Debolini, C. Thenail and M. Benoît. How can landscape management be enhanced by farming systems? A landscape agronomy perspective.
A. Gibon, J. Ryschawy, N. Schaller, J.-L. Fiorelli, A. Havet and G. Martel. Why and how to analyse the potential of mixed crop-livestock farming systems for sustainable agricultural and rural development at landscape level.
WS 5.2 European realities – Assymetric rural development and revalorization of marginal lands in Europe
This workshop was convened by Paulina Rytkönen, Artur Cristovao and Andrea Marescotti.
A. Baptista, I. Rodrigo, M.L. Tibéro, A. Cristóvão and D.V. Boas. Selling directly fresh and local products, looking at a new localized rurality: the case of PROVE Project in Portugal.
D. Barjolle, M.-L. Ghib and K. Larkham. Small Family Farms in Romania for Biodiversity.
F. Barroso, H. Menezes and T. Pinto-Correia. Multifunctional transition pathways: How are multi-stakeholder’s influencing land management farm systems resilience?
G. Belletti, E. Fani, A. Marescotti and S. Scaramuzzi. The Role of traditional products in the Valorisation of Marginal Rural Areas: the case of Iris Pallida.
M. Bonow and P. Rytkönen. Kalix löjrom caviar– an institutional analysis of the application and implementation of Sweden's first PDO.
S. Chiapinni and M. De Rosa. Rural innovation, farm evolution and territorial indifference: a case of governance failure?
P. Rytkönen. Sweden – an emerging wine country – valorising marginal lands for new types of production.
WS 5.3 Research-Education-Action platform for land management and territorial development
This workshop was convened byProf. Sylvie Lardon, Ass. Prof. Camilla Moonen, Dipl.-Ing. & Mgr. Kirsten von Heiden and Ph.D. Jiri Votava.
M. Ayre, R. Nettle and S. Love. Supporting integration and co-development as processes of collective action and learning in catchment management in Australia.
E. Foos, T. Aenis and J. Jahnke. Capacity building in the field of climate change adaptation - First experi-ences from a rural research and development project in Germany.
P.J. Galama, H.J.C. van Dooren and C.H.A.M. Eilers. Learning from drivers and conflicts around bedded pack barns.
S. Lardon and C. Alabaladejo. Analyzing research-training practices for agriculture and territory development: issues for research and education.
E. Marraccini, D. Rizzo, M. Debolini, C. Planchat and A. Toillier. Contribution of agronomy to land management issues - A Comparison of five interdisciplinary PhD theses.