Theme 4: Sustainable food systems
Overview of Workshops
WS 4.1 - Mountain food products: A special system of provision
WS 4.2 - Localised and sustainable agri-food systems in times of rural changes
WS 4.3 - Fair and regional: New trends in organic and sustainable food systems
WS 4.4 - Transitions towards sustainable agriculture: From farmers to agro-food systems
WS 4.5 - Animal welfare: Education, labelling, action
WS 4.1 - Mountain food products: A special system of provision
This workshop was convened by Markus Schermer, Cesar Revoredo-Giha and Andreja Borec
A. Schjoll, V. Amilien, C. Revoredo-Giha, P. Leat, B. Kupiec and C. Lamprinopoulou. Consumers' expectation and range of mountain quality food procducts - Is today's market as consumers' expect? pp. 1558-1567.
C. Tebby, G. Giraurd and C. Amblard. Determinants of interest in mountain food products: A European crosscountry study. pp. 1568-1578.
C. Revoredo-Giha, P. Leat, B. Kupiec-Teahan and C. Lamprinopoulou-Kranis. Promoting Mountain Quality Food Products (MQFPs) – Analysing possibilities beyond labelling policy. pp. 1579-1587.
M. Schermer, A. Matscher and A. Borec. The perception of quality aspects for mountain products in long supply chains. Cases from Slovenia and Austria. pp. 1588-1598.
B. Kupiec-Teahan, C. Lamprinopoulou-Giha. Short supply chains for local food in mountain areas. pp. 1599-1606.
L. Domínguez-García, P. Swagemakers and X. Símon Fernández. Mountain Food Production. Promising niches for rural development in Galicia, Spain. pp. 1607-1616.
Gunn-Turid Kvam. Increasing quality food production in a mountain region – Challenges for a local food firm and regional authorities. pp. 1617-1625.
E. Meiberger and M. Weichbald. How can mountain quality food reduce the vulnerability of mountain farming systems? pp. 1626-1635.
A. Caron, V. Boisvert, C. Berthelot, P. Chamron, A. Gueringer and V. Angeon. Biodiversity conservation as a new rationale for localized and sustainable agro-food systems. The case of two French PDO mountain cheeses. pp. 1636-1646.
C. Vieira and E. Figueiredo. Fruitful Liaisons? Relationships between regional food productions and tourism activities in Serra da Estrela, Portugal. pp. 1647-1660.
WS 4.2 - Localised and sustainable agri-food systems in times of rural change
This workshop was convened by Paulina Rytkönen, Encarnation Aguilar and Theodosia Anthopoulou
P. Rytkönen and K. Gratzer. When do trademarks create new markets? Entrepreneurship, trademarks and growth - Experiences from localized production systems of cheese in Austria, Spain and Sweden. pp. 1661-1670.
L. Bartoli and M. De Rosa. Consuming policy in a coherent way: some differences in the Italian agrifood districts. pp. 1671-1681.
C. Lozano and C. Aguilar. Towards a sustainable rural development from SYAL perspective. pp. 1682-1690.
C. Fonseca, L. Tiberio and A. Baptista. Competitiveness of the local production of apple in the Douro region (North of Portugal). pp. 1691-1700.
L. Aguglia and C. Salvioni. Direct selling in Italy: a marketing strategy to promote localized agrofood systems. pp. 1701-1711.
T. Anthopoulou and K. Stavriani. Local agri-food products of women’s cooperatives. The ‘feminine side’ of quality (Greece). pp. 1712-1720.
A. Wirsig, A. Profeta, A. Häring and R. Lenz. Indigenous species, traditional and local knowledge and intellectual property rights. pp. 1721-1730.
H. Risku-Norja and M. Mikkola. Towards sustainable food systems through innovative networks in public catering. pp. 1731-1739.
A. Gueringer, D. Orth, C. Balay and F. Landre. Contribution of different farming and forage systems to biodiversity: an example in a PDO cheese area in French mountains. pp. 1740-1748.
WS 4.3 - Fair and regional: New trends in organic and sustainable food systems
This workshop was convened by Martina Schäfer and Susanne Padel
M. Schäfer and M. Kröger. Between 'back to the roots' and marketing orientation - An overview of organic 'fair & regional' initiatives in Germany. pp. 1749-1759.
J. Schumacher and C. Eichert. Elaboration and implementation of a domestic fair trade concept in Switzerland. pp. 1760-1768.
M. Soler Montiel, H. Renting, M. Cuéllar Padilla and Á. Calle Collado. Between food ethics, solidarity and the social construction of alternative markets. Exploring the dimensions of grassroots food movements in Spain. pp. 1769-1782.
S. Petrovics, N. Chioncel, S. Karner and I. Salzer. Organic plus – (re)politisation of the food sector? Reflections on two case studies. pp. 1783-1792.
S. Padel, K. Zander and K. Gössinger. 'Regional production’ and ‘fairness’ in organic farming: Evidence from a CORE Organic project. pp. 1793-1802.
H. Moschitz and C. Feldmann. Communication in the rural web: a case study of the dairy in Andeer. pp. 1803-1811.
C. Steinlechner and M. Schermer. The configuration of social sustainability within an organic dairy supply chain. pp. 1812-1821.
WS 4.4 - Transitions towards sustainable agriculture: From farmers to agro-food systems
This workshop was convened by Claire Lamine and Egon Noe
K. Bienge, J. von Geibler and K. Kristof. Sustainability hot spot analysis: A streamlined life-cycle assessment towards sustainable food chains. pp. 1822-1832.
L. Mancini, M. Lettenmeier, H. Rohn and C. Lietdke. MIPS as a tool for analysing food chains sustainability. pp. 1833-1843.
A. Tanaka. Moving towards low-input rice cropping practices: past experiences and future challenges for Japan. 1844-1854.
I. Haynes, C. Lamine, A. Wierzbicka, S. Zoltan, J. Lehota, I. Vandenberg, J. Buurma, E. Maraccini, C. Moonen, S. Williamson and R. Paratte. Are supermarkets an appropriate tool for facilitating the transition to low input farming practices? pp. 1855-1864.
J. Blanc, E. Noe, J. Burma, M.-L. Burnett, C. Compagnone and E. Marraccini. The role and attitudes of agricultural advisors in implementing sustainable pest management in European agriculture – A cross national case study in NL, FR, UK and DK. pp. 1865-1872.
G. Feola, R. Schoell and C.R. Binder. Identifying barriers and opportunities for transitions towards more sustainable agriculture through system analysis. The case of Vereda La Hoya, Colombia. pp. 1873-1883.
K. Jürgens and A.F. Kessler. Plant Protection: Risk precaution in dealing with endocrine disrupting pesticides demands shared responsibilities between actors of the whole agricultural system. pp. 1884-1892.
O. Nicetic, E. van de Fliert, Ho Va Chen, Vo Mai and Le Cuong. Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) as a vehicle for transformation to sustainable citrus production in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. pp. 1893-1901.
H. Renting and H. Wiskerke. New emerging roles for public institutions and civil society in the promotion of sustainable local agro-food systems. pp. 1902-1912.
A. Rossi and G. Brunori. Drivers of transformation in the agro-food system. GAS as co-production of Alternative Food Networks. pp. 1913-1931.
B. Limnirankul and P. Gypmantasiri. Transforming agri-food systems in peri-urban area of Northern Thailand: A case study of vegetable farming of Ban Ping Noi farmers. pp. 1932-1942.
C. Lamine, M. Barbier, J. Blanc, J. Buurma, I. Haynes, J. Lehota, E. Marracini, E. Noe and R. Paratte. Reducing the dependence on pesticides: a matter of transitions within the whole agri-food system. 1943-1954.
WS 4.5 - Animal welfare: Education - Labelling - Action
This workshop was convened by Ulrike Nuck and Erik Schmid
D. Haubenhofer, J. Hassink, I. van der Meer, N. van de Kamp, E. Schreurs and Y. Schuler. Farm education in the Netherlands. pp. 1955-1962.
O. Schmid and R. Kilchsperger. EconWelfare Project – Analysis of animal welfare initiatives in Europe. pp. 1963-1971.
L. Toma, B. Kupiec-Teahan, A.W. Stott and C. Revoredo-Giha. Animal welfare, information and consumer behaviour. pp. 1972-1982.
A. Annunziata and R. Vecchio. The role of labelling in increasing consumers’ sensitivity towards animal welfare: the Italian experience. pp. 1983-1993.