Theme 3: Energy production, CO2 sink and climate change
Overview of Workshops
WS 3.1 - Climate change: Agriculture, food security and human health
WS 3.2 - Addressing climate change in the food chain
WS 3.3 - Sustainable biofuel production in developing countries
WS 3.4 - Promoting the discovery of alternative futures by reframing communication
WS 3.1 - Climate change: Agriculture, food security and human health
This workshop was convened by Samsul Huda, Mel Taylor and Jo Luck
B. Gwambene and A.E. Majule. Contribution of tillage practices on adaptation to climate change and variability on agricultural productions in semi-arid areas of central Tanzania. pp. 1300-1306.
Ju Zhaoqiang, Hu Chunsheng, Zhang Yuming and Chen Suying. Effects of temperature rising on soil hydrothermal properties, winter wheat growth and yield. pp. 1307-1316.
A.K.S. Huda, V. Sadras, S. Wani and X. Mei. Food security and climate change in the Asia-Pacific region: Evaluating mismatch between crop development and water availability. pp. 1317-1327.
L. Schaller, R. Hübner and J. Kantelhardt. Climate change mitigation via peatland management – Challenges for rural areas. pp. 1328-1337.
M. Renna, C. Lussiana, V. Malfatto, A. Mimosi and L.M. Battaglini. Effect of exposure to heat stress conditions on milk yield and quality of dairy cows grazing on Alpine pasture. pp. 1338-1348.
S. Hörtenhuber and W. Zollitsch. Greenhouse gas emissions of regionally produced alternative feedstuffs rich in protein for Austrian dairy production. pp. 1349-1356.
A.K.S. Huda, J. Allen, C. Sinclair, T. Andrews, A. Lopes, F. Duarte, H. Bambrick, D. Craig, M. Jeffery and S. Campbell. Climate change: Building leadership capacity within a higher education institution. pp. 1357-1367.
G. Soja, F. Zehetner, G. Rampazzo-Todorovic, B. Schildberger, K. Hackl, R. Hofmann, E. Burger and I. Omann. Wine production under climate change conditions: mitigation and adaptation options from the vineyard to the sales booth. pp. 1368-1378.
Jo Luck, K. Finlay, J.-P. Aurambout, S. Chakraborty, D. Kriticos, H. Parry, W. Griffiths, G. O'Leary, A. Freeman, G. Hollaway, P. Trebicki, K. Powell, G. Fitzgerald and P. De Barro. An integrative approach to understanding the pest and disease threats to agricultural biosecurity under future climates. pp. 1379-1388.
S.P. Wani, T. Wangkahart, Yin Dixin, Zhong Li and N.V. Thang. Community watersheds for food security and coping with impacts of climate change in rain-fed areas. pp. 1389-1400.
F. Medina and A. Iglesias. Agricultural practices with greenhouse mitigation potential in Mediterranean countries: Evaluation and policy implications. pp. 1401-1410.
J. Sumelius, S. Bäckman, H. Kahiluoto, R. Rötter,N. Nyairo, J. Valkila, T. Parviainen, K.M. Zahidul Islam, Md. Motaher Hossain, S. Tenaw and R. Ingutia. How can sustainable agricultural systems promote food security in a changing climate? pp. 1411-1416.
WS 3.2 - Addressing climate change in the food chain: How can science make an actual change in practice?
This workshop was convened by Emiel Elferink and Gijs Kuneman
C. Ginneberge, M. Meul, D. Fremaut and S. de Smet. Including CO2-emisson in the formulation of animal feed: Methodology and critical issues for translating theory into practice. pp. 1417-1426.
H. Langeveld, E. van de Fliert and A. Roos. Translating scientific knowledge on bioenergy sustainability to a wider public: the Sustainability Quick Scan. pp. 1427-1232.
M. Saarinen, M. Hongisto, K. Usva, S. Kurppa and A. Nissinen. Outline of the Finnish system of certified carbon footprints of food products. pp. 1433-1442.
S. Kurppa, Y. Virtanen, M. Saarinen, I. Mäenpäa, J. Mäkelä and J. Grönroos. Carbon footprint of food – An approach from national level and from a food portion. pp. 1443-1449.
WS 3.3 - Sustainable biofuel in developing countries: "Green" energy as the key for development?
This workshop was convened by Harry Hoffmann and Götz Uckert
A. Aschaber. From biomess to biomass: Influential factors of biogas projects in rural areas of Burkina Faso. pp. 1450-1460.
R. Herrmann and M. Brüntrup. Bioenergy value chains in Namibia: Institutional challenges for rural development and food security. pp. 1461-1472.
H. Hoffmann, G. Uckert, S. Sieber and A. Fasse. Development and adjustment of sustainability indicators for evaluation of outgrower schemes in bioenergy production: The case of Tanzania. pp. 2247-2256.
P. Grundmann. The meaning of institutions for biofuel production and farming systems development – The case of oil palm production in Indonesia. pp. 1473-1482.
R. Renquist, S. Trovole, S. Shaw, S. Heubeck, C. McDowall and H. Kerckhoffs. New Zealand: sustainable biofuel production using new crop cultivars and legumes in a closed-loop nitrogen supply cropping system for use on marginal land. pp. 1483-1492.
A. Mohr. The national program for production and use of biodieseland its social components – Empirical findings from a field study in Ceará (Northeast Brazil). pp. 1493-1502.
P. Augusto Nasuelli and V. Vetrano. Biomasses for energy: Application of some synthetic-quantitative index. pp. 1503-1510.
J. von Geibler and K. Bienge. Success factors for standards and certification schemes for biofuels: “Sustainable palm oil” from a small-scale farmer and development perspective. pp. 1511-1520.
J. Schmitz. Biofuels for rural development: Lessons learnt and concepts in development cooperation. pp. 1521-1529.
H. Langeveld and J. Dixon. Development perspectives of the biobased economy: The need for a systems approach. pp. 1530-1537.
WS 3.4 - Promoting the discovery of alternative futures by reframing climate change communication
This workshop was convened by Nadarajah Sriskandarajah and Tarla Rai Peterson
L. Hallgren, H. Ljunggren Bergea, J. Ahnström and H. Nordström Källström. From conservation heroes to climate villains - How changes in social recognition may contribute to changed identities of farmers. pp. 1538-1547.
C. Alarcón. Communicating climate change, REDD and political ecology: A global land question and prospects for agroecology. pp. 1548-1557.
C. Blackmore. Learning for communication about climate change in the context of farming using Vickers’ concept of an appreciative system. pp. 2228-2236.