VI: Training
A. Cristóvão. Overview and Discussion: Systems Thinking in Agricultural Training - Exchanging Ideas, Changing Practices, pp. 343-352.
A. Koutsouris and D. Papadopoulos. Sustainability: Implications for Agricultural Extension, Education and Training - The Greek Case -, pp. 353-357.
J. Lossouarn, C. Mariojouls, P. Chapoutot and X. Rognon. A Training Approach in the Field of Livestock Farming Systems and Animal Products Chains: An Initiation to Projects Engineering about the Charolais Beef Production, pp. 358-363.
E. Mussoi. Living and Working with Peasants: Learning about Sustainability and Agricultural Systems Starting from the University, pp. 364-368.
A. Sutherland, J. Willock, M. McGregor, I. Deary, B. Dent, G. Gibson, R. Grieve and O. Morgan. The Edinburgh Farm Decision Making Study Elements for Consideration in Training and Policy Uptake, pp. 369-375.
U. Nitsch. Report of Discussion: Training for the Role of Process Facilitators, pp. 376-380.