Theme 6: Assessing sustainability
Overview of workshops:
WS 6.1. Balancing and communicating overall assessments of food systems
WS 6.2. Pathways towards a sustainable co-production of food and bionenergy in dev. countries.
WS 6.3. Organics: Their dynamics
WS 6.4. Integrated simulation modelling in farming systems research
WS 6.1 Balancing and communicating overall assessments of food systems
This workshop was converted by Peter Kastberg, Hugo F. Alrøe, Henrik Moller, Bernhard Freyer, Karen Refsgaard and Jim Bingen.
B. Freyer and J. Bingen. Reflexivity or Assessment? The Role of Self-Reflexivity in the Assessment Process.
T. Christensen, S.B. Olsen, A. Dubgaard and N. Kærgård. Organic farming and multi-criteria decisions: An economic survey.
P. Kastberg. Knowledge Communication Theory Revisited – from ‘communicatio’ to ‘communis esse’.
J. Læssøe, A.K. Ljungdalh, P. Kastberg, E. Noe, H.F. Alrøe, T. Christensen, A. Dubgaard, S.B. Olsen and N. Kærgård. Theories on motivation and their implications for supporting communication, learning and decisionmaking in relation to organic food systems.
R.D. Lillywhite, C. Keeling, P. Courtney, N. Lampkin, B. Pearce, F. Rayns, M. Reed, U. Schmutz, C. Watson and A. Williams. Assessing the economic, environmental and social characteristics of UK farming systems.
F. Marcharnd, L. Debruyne and L. Lauwers. A comparison of complex expert-based assessment versus quickscan assessment.
M. Meul, F. Marchand, S. van Passel, D. Fremaut and G. Haesaert. From evaluating sustainability performance to supporting agricultural management.
C. Peano, P. Migliorini and F. Sottile. Food Presidia: a sustainable agro-food systems?
E. Pottiez, P. Lescoat and I. Bouvarel. AVIBIO: a method to assess the sustainability of the organic poultry industry.
B. Redlingshöfer and A. Soyeux. Food losses and wastage as a sustainability indicator of food and farming systems.
I. Rittenhofer, K.K. Povlsen. Trust and credibility. Towards a cross-disciplinary perspective on organics combining media and management research.
C. Schader, M.S. Meier, J. Grenz and M. Stolze. The trade-off between scope and precision in sustainability assessments of food systems.
M. Thorsøe, H. Alrøe and E. Noe. Review of perspectives applied in the assessment of organic food networks.
WS 6.2 Merging the unmergeable?!? Pathways towards a sustainable co-production of food and bioenergy (in developing countries).
This workshop was convened by Dr. Götz Ucker, Dr. Ruth Delzeit and Harry Hoffmann
A. Ehrensperger, O. Grimm and B. Kiteme. Spatial Analysis of Food Insecurity Drivers and Potential Impacts of Biofuels Cultivation: A Contribution to Sustainable Regional Development and National Biofuel Policies in Kenya.
A. Ehrensperger, B. Kiteme, B. Portner andO. Grimm. Impact of Jatropha curcas (JC) on local food security in Kenya.
H. Hoffmann, G. Uckert, J. Rordorf and S. Sieber. Sunflower for horsepower – potentials of locally embedded biofuel production and consumption in Laela, Western Tanzania.
WS 6.3 Organics: their dynamics
This workshop was convened by Marc Tchamitchian, S. Bellon, I. Darnhofer, C. Micheloni, M. Ramos and P. Stassart.
C. Cresson, N. Daspres, S. Bellon, P. Fleury, J.-M. Morin and L. Fourrié. Achievements and challenges of a research, training and extension network for organic farming development in France.
A.J. Escribano, F.J. Mesias, P. Gaspar, M. Escribano and F. Pulido. Sustainability of organic and conventional beef cattle farms in SW Spanish rangelands ('Dehesas'): a comparative study.
V. Lefèvre, M. Capitaine, J. Peigné and J. Roger-Estrade. Soil conservation practices in organic farming: overview of French farmers’ experiences and contribution to future cropping systems design.
S. Lopez-Ridaura, S. Delmotte and J.C. Mouret. Regional conversion to Organic Farming in Camargue, south France. A multiscale integrated assessment of scenarios.
S. Madelrieux and F. Alavoine-Mornas. Exit from organic farming: extent of deregistration in France and processes in play on farms.
M. Favre, M. Tchamitchian, S. Bellon and A. Priac. Natural regulations and agricultural practices in organic vegetable production.
A. Merot, J.M. Barbier, B. Del`Homme and A. Alonso-Ugaglia. What brings an adapted ESR-based integrated approach of the farm to support conversion to organic farming?
P. Migliorini, F. Galioto, M. Chorri and C. Vazzana. Sustainability assessment of stockless organic farming system with agroecological and socio-economic indicators in Italy.
M. Navarrette, L. Dupré, C. Lamine and M. Marguerie. Species diversification in market-garden farms and consequences on crop management, labour organization and marketing at farm and territorial scales.
B. Nettier, A. Dufour, S. Chabrat and S. Madelrieux. Conversion to organic farming and consequences on work organisation and work perception.
S. Penvern, S. Simon, S. Bellon, A. Alaphilippe, M. Lateur, P.E. Lauri, E. Dapena, L. Jamar, J.L. Hemptinne and F. Warlop. Sustainable orchards' redesign: at the crossroads of multiple approaches.
C. Salvioni, L. Aguglia and P. Borsotto. The sustainability of an organic sector under transition: an empirical evaluation for Italy.
N. Sautereau, L. Fourrie, C. Experton, C. Cresson, P. Mundler, S. Bellon, F. Le Tailleur, J.F. Garnier, A. Dumontier and M. Willot. Co-Designing an organic framework: the ”REF’AB” Project in France.
O. Schmid and S. Knutti. Outcome-oriented approaches for regulating animal welfare in organic farming.
P. Swagemakers, L. Dominguez Garcia and X. Simón Fernández. Constituting context: organic farming and the provision of public goods.
WS 6.4 Integrated simulation modelling in farming systems research
This workshop was convened by Dr. Giuseppe Feola, Dr. Claudia Sattler and Prof. Ali Kerem Saysel.
J.-E. Bergez, H. Raynal and F. Garcia. RECORD: an open platform to build, evaluate and simulate integrated models of farming and agro-ecosystems.
D. Berre, J. Vayssières, J.-P. Boussemart, H. Leleu, E. Tillard and P. Lecomte. Combining farm simulation with frontier efficiency analysis.
B. Meda, P. Robin, C. Aubert, J.-Y. Dourmad and M. Hassouna. MOLDAVI: A model to predict environmental and economic performances of broiler farming systems.
D. Craheix, F. Angevin, J.-E. Bergez, C. Bockstaller, B. Colomb, L. Guichard, B. Omon, R. Reau and T. Doré. Multicriteria assessment of the sustainability of cropping systems: A case study of farmer involvement using the MASC model.
S. Delmotte, S. Lopez-Ridaura, J.M. Barbier and J. Wery. Combining modeling approaches for participatory integrated assessment of scenarios for agricultural systems. An application to cereal production systems in Camargue, South of France.
K.A. Hovstad. Exploring multifunctionality and environmental impact of dairy farming systems.
A.-L. Jacquot, R. Baumont and G. Brunschwig. Dynamilk: a farming system model to explore the balance between forage and milk production in grassland based systems.
K. Mondelaers, L. Lauwers and G. Van Huylenbroeck. Modeling strategic farmer reactions when introducing a sustainability performance based subsidy system.
E. Penot, C. Macdowall, S. Poletti and R. Domas. Modeling impact of Conservation Agriculture adoption on farming systems agricultural incomes. The case of Lake Alaotra Region, Madagascar.
K. Refsgaard and J. Bryden. Modelling policies for sustainable rural development.
D. Wilsey, T. Gill, A. Rois and P. Hildebrand. Participation begets integration: lessons learned from incorporating ethnography into linear programming.