Innovation, knowledge and learning processes
In this theme, the following 10 workshops were held:
WS 1.1 Generating spaces for innovation in agricultural and rural development
WS 1.2 Monitoring and evaluation for learning and innovation
WS 1.3 Using a co-innovation approach to improve innovation and learning
WS 1.4 From farmer to 'eco-entrepreneur' - Participatory curricula development
WS 1.5 Pathways towards sustainability - The role of farmers' experiments and innovations
WS 1.6 Merits and limits of innovation platforms to promote sustainable intensification
WS 1.7 Scaling up and scaling out transformative farming practices
WS 1.8 Cooperation as a key issue for innovation and learning processes
WS 1.9 Inclusive innovation
WS 1.10 Practical experiences from the first years of EIP-Agri implementation
WS 1.1. Generating spaces for innovation in agricultural and rural development
This workshop was convened by Alex Koutsouris, Andrea Knierim and Eelke Wielinga.
E. Wielinga, A. Koutsouris and A. Knierim. Building bridges and generating spaces.
E. Favilli, L. Dvortsin and G. Brunori. How to implement effective and efficient agricultural innovation support systems? Some insights from a European cross - country analysis.
L. Madureira, A. Knierim, D. Ferreira, K. Prager, K. Boenning and M. Caggiano. Agricultural networks across EU: What are the key features to enhance farmers' ability to learn and to innovate in cooperation with other actors?
L.-A. Sutherland, L. Madureira, V. Dirimanova, M. Bogusz, J. Kania, K. Vinohradnik, R. Creaney, D. Duckett, T. Koehnen and A. Knierim. New knowledge networks of small-scale farmers in Europe's periphery.
B. King and R. Nettle. Stimulating innnovation opportunities through shared and unique connections of intermediaries within advisory networks.
M. McEntee. Variable collaborative learning spaces in the quest for agricultural sustainability in New Zealand.
H. Cristofari, N. Girard and D. Magda. How agroecological farmers develop their own practices: a grid to describe the objects and mechanisms of learning.
G. Vlahos, P. Karanikolas and A. Koutsouris. Farming systems transformation as transition to sustainability: a Greek quality wines case study.
F. Hellec, C. Manoli and N. Joly. Alternative medicine in dairy breeding: the key-role of atypical veterinarians.
K. Huelmeyer. University research enters practice - and is enhanced by farmers. A precision farming case study.
C. Charatsari, A. Koutsouris, E.D. Lioutas and A. Kalivas. Building social capital and promoting participatory development of agricultural innovations through farmer filed schools: The Greek experience.
WS 1.2. Monitoring and evaluation for learning and innovation
This workshop was convened by Boru Douthwaite, Ann Waters-Bayer, B. Triomphe, Barbara van Mierlo, Cees Leeuwis, and Rodrigo Paz.
M.M. Albicette, C. Leoni, A. Ruggia, I. Bortagaray, M. Scarlato, S. Scarlato, O. Blumetto, A. Albin and V. Aguerre. Applying the Participatory Impact Pathway Analysis (PIPA) approach the enhance co-innovation for sustainability with livestock family farming in Uruguay.
S. Allebone-Webb, B. Douthwaite, E. Hoffecker, S. Mathé and B. Triomphe. What is capacity to innovate and how can it be assessed? A review of the literature.
N. Botha, J. Coutts, J.A. Turner, T. White and T. Williams. Evaluating for learning and accountability in system innovation: Incorporating reflexitivity in a logical famework.
B. Douthwaite and R. Paz-Ybarnegaray. Outcome evidencing: a rapid and complexity-aware evaluation method.
C. Wettasinha, J.-M. Diop, L. van Veldhuizen, A. Waters-Bayer and B. Douthwaite. Small-scale farmers' perspectives on what enhances capacity to innovate.
W. Förch, T. Schuetz and P. Thornton. Monitoring and evalution for research for development - Building a results-based management system for climate smart agriculture.
B. van Mierlo, P.J. Beears and M. Arkesteijn. Reflexivity in and through evaluation: sheeding light on its meaning for system innovation initiatives.
L. Hasselman. Adaptive management intentions with a reality of evaluation: getting science back into policy.
WS 1.3. Using a co-innovation approach to improve innovation and learning
This workshop was convened by N. Botha, J. Turner, B. Small, K. Rijswijk, D. Bewsell, T. Williams and M.S. Srinivasan.
M.M. Albicette, C. Leoni, A. Ruggia, S. Scarlato, A. Albín and V. Aguerre. A co-innovation approach in family-farming livestock systems in Rocha (Uruguay): a three-year learning process.
J. Coutts, W. White, P. Blackett, K. Rijsiwjk, D. Bewsell, N. Park, J.A. Turner and N. Botha. Evaluating a space for co-innovation: the practical application of nine principles for co-innovation in five innovation projects.
S.J. Fielke, T. Nelson, P. Bleckett, D. Bewsell, K. Bayne, N. Park, K. Rijswijke and B. Small. Hitting the bull's-eye: the role of a reflexive monitor in New Zealand agricultural innovation systems.
S. Gariépy, S. Delmotte, V. Zingraff, J. Ruiz, J.-M. Barbier, G. Jégo, S. Comtois and M.-P. Maurice. Multi-scale modelling as a tool for sharing the perspectives of researchers, practitioners and farmers on beneficial management practices to be adopted in an intensive agricultural watershed.
M.S. Srinivasan, D. Bewsell, C. Jongmans and G. Elley. Just-in-case to justifed irrigation: Applying co-innovation principles to irrigation water management.
J.A. Turner, T. Williams, G. Nicholas, J. Foote, K. Rijswijk, T. Barnard, S. Beechener and A. Horita. Triggering system innovation in agricultural innovation systems: Initial insights from a community for Change in New Zealand.
L. van Dijk, H.J. Buller, L.K. MacAllister and D.C.J. Main. Navigating the unknown. Practice-led collaborative research for the improvement of animal welfare.
J. Vereijssen, M.S. Srivinasan, S. Dirks, S.J. Fielke, C. Jongsmans, N.M. Agnew, L. Klerkx, J.B. Pinxterhuis, J. Moore, P. Edwards, R. Brazendale, N. Botha and J.A. Turner. Addressing complex challenges using a co-innovation approach: lessons from five case studies in the New Zealand primary sector.
WS 1.4. From farmer to "eco-preneur" in multifuntional agricutural knowledge and sustainable regional development: Participatory currical development and implementation of educational measures
This workshop was convened by Dorit Hauubenhofer, Thomas Aenis, Maria Gerster-Bentaya and Claudia Brites.
A. Garnier, P. Jeanneaux, N. Bletterie and M. Ganchou. PerfEA: Ongoing counselling towards strategic planning processes to implement the agro-ecological transition.
M. Haugum, L. Klerkx and G.-T. Kvam. Farmer mentoring in Norway - How do differnt mentoring approaches improve entrepreneurial skills?
A.C. Moonen, S. Lardon, E. Marraccini, T. Pinto-Correia and D. Rizzo. From action research to action learning - Ecosystem services assessment as a learning platform for students, local land users and researchers.
N. Hassan and T. Aenis. Participation in extension program planning for an improvement of smallholders' livelihoods in the MEAN region.
WS 1.5. Pathways towards sustainability in the agricultural knowledge and innovation system: The role of farmers' experiments and innovations
This workshop was convened by Friedrich Leitgeb, Christian Vogl and Sara Burbi
N. Joly, C. Adam, F. Bonnet-Beaugrand, J. Defois, C. Ducrot, N. Fortané, B. Frappat, A. Gros, F. Hellec, C. Manoli, M. Paul, A. Poizat, C. Samedi. Experiments in animal farming practice: the case of decreasing the use of antimicrobials in livestock (France).
S. Baltazar, M. Visser and N. Dendoncker. From seed to bread: co-construction of a cereal seed network in Wallonia.
S. Burbi and K. Hartless Rose. The role of Internet and social media in the diffusion of knowledge and innovation among farmers.
M. Catalogna and M. Navarrete. An agronomical framework for analyzing farmers' experiments.
J. Eldon, C. Shennan, P. Rapaport, T. Jansen and S. Sidibeh. Better than best practices: Using farmer field trials to identify adaptive management options within complex agricultural systems.
S. Huttunen. Farmer experiments, agro-environmental policies and practice change.
M.J. Restrepo, M.A. Lelea and B. Kaufmann. Sparking small scale dairy farmers' enthusiasm within a transdisciplinary project in Kenya.
S. Šumane, I. Kunda, K. Knickel, A. Strauss, T. Tisenkopfs, I. de Los Rios, M. Rivera, T. Chebach and A. Ashkenazy. Integration of knowledge for sustainable agriculture: why local farmer knowledge matters.
T. Quentin, M.-H. Jeuffroy and L. Prost. How "fundamental knowledge" supports the cropping-system re-design by farmers?
C.R. Vogl, S. Kummer and C. Schunko. Farmers's experiments and innovations: a debate on the role of creativity for fostering an innovative environment in farming systems.
WS 1.6. Merits and limits of innovation platforms to promote sustainable intensification in farming systems
This workshop was convened by Bernard Triomphe, Helena Posthumus, Mariana Wongtschowski and Jens Andersson
S. Mathé, L. Idrissou, H. Bisseleua, A. Degrande, J.-C. Bidogeza, C. Suh and H. Rey-Valette. Agricultural innovation platform dynamics: a conceptual framework to analyze knowledge production.
J.A. Andersson, M. Wongtschowski and D. Melele. Innovation platforms beyond projects and commodities: a case study of Lundazi Zambia.
D. Dabire, N. Andrieu, P. Djamen, A.M. Diallo, K. Coulibaly, M. Karambiri, H. Posthumus and B. Triomphe. Designing and implementation of innovation platforms in facilitating the local adaptation of conservation agriculture. Lessons from case studies in Burkina Faso.
B. Pound and H. Posthumus. The merits and limitations of innovation platforms for promoting conservation agricultural in sub-Saharan Africa.
WS 1.7. Scaling up and scaling out transformative farming practices: Critical assessment of tools methods and skills
This workshop was convened by Marianne Cerf, Boelie Elzen, Lorène Prost and Marie Hélène Jeuffroy
B. Elzen, B. Bos, B. Bremmer and B. van Mierlo. Upscaling of integrally sustainable animal producation systems: the dynamic of anchoring processes.
W.F. Schillinger, T.C. Pauliz, B.S. Sharratt, A.C. Kennedy, S.B. Wuest, D.L. Young and M. Flury. Practical lessons for successful long-term cropping systems experiments.
M. Cerf, L. Prost, M.H. Jeuffroy, J.M. Lusson, B. Omon and M.S. Petit. Upscaling of more sustainable cropping systems: a framework to analyse and support intermediation processes.
B. Thareau, S. Couvreur, C. Manoli, J. Pithon, G. Pain and S. Di Bianco. Competing socio-technical transition pathways towards implementation of conservation policy aimed at enhancing hedgerow and grassland networks.
WS 1.8. Cooperation as a key issue for innovation and learning processes in sustainable land management
This workshop was convened by Martina Schäfer and Benjamin Nölting
B. Nölting and M. Schäfer. Cooperation management as a distinct function in innovation processes for alternative food production and consumption: potentials and limitations.
S. Velten. Collaboration for a more sustainable agriculture - when does it work?
L. Triste, F. Marchand, J. Vandenabeele, L. Debruyne and L. Lauwers. Ellaborating hypotheses on motivations for participation in cooperation initiatives for sustainable farming.
S. Mäkelä and J. Sumelius. Cooperation between farmers in feed production and use of manure.
WS 1.9. Inclusive innovation
This workshop was convened by P. Ngwenya, A. Szogs and A. Christinck.
M.A. Lelea, G.M. Roba, A. Christinck and B. Kaufmann. "All relevant stakeholders": a literature review of stakeholder analysis to support inclusivity of innovation processes in farming and food systems.
M. Danse, L. Klerkx, J. Reintjes, R. Rabbinge and C. Leeuwis. Unravelling inclusive business models for achieving food security in low income markets.
A. Kuntosch, R.F. Tranche and B. König. Learning about success and failure - A systems perspective on food security innovation processes for small-scale farmers in Tanzania.
K. Bitzan, K. Tröger, M.A. Lelea, G. Kagoro-Rugunda and B. Kaufmann. Going beyond "add women and stir" in inclusive innovation processes: facilitating participatory activities with pineapple chain actors in Uganda.
WS 1.10. Practical experiences and methodological concepts from the first years of EIP-Agri implementation
This workshop was convened by Susanne von Münchhausen and Anna Maria Häring.
L. Louah and M. Visser. Q-Methodology: a useful tool to foster multi-actor innovation networks performance.
L. Madureira, A. Cristovão, D. Ferreira and T. Koehnen. How to design and develop inclusive knowledge and innovation agricultural networks: lessons from the case of the Portuguese cluster of small fruits.
U. Gehrlein and N. von Kutzleben. First experiences and evaluation of the EIP approach in two federal states of Germany.
M. Ramos and E. Torremocha. Methodologies for evaluation of sustainable agricultural public policies within the European context. A review.