Theme 1: Innovation, knowledge exchange and learning
Overview of the workshops:
WS 1.1: Actor-driven or instrument-driven: does it make a difference?
WS 1.2: Evaluation of policy schemes supporting innovation and advisory services.
WS 1.3: Innovation platforms as drivers of institutional change
WS 1.4: The development of more entrepreneurial farming systems
WS 1.5: Returning to the farming and food systems as they are - transdisciplinarity
WS 1.6: Linking scientists and farmers, research and application
WS 1.7: Collaborative learning to solve problems and develop innovations in complex systems
WS 1.8: Knowledge and innovation brokers
WS 1.9: Farmland (bio-)diversity in the hands and minds of farmers
WS 1.1. Actor-driven or instrument-driven: does it make a difference?
This workshop was convened by Jesús Rosales Carreón, Fleur Marchand and Lies Debruyne.
S. Hoischen-Taubner, A. Bielecke and A. Sundrum. Different perspectives on animal health and implications for communication between stakeholders.
M. Werner, H.-H. Steinmann, N. Schlatter, H. Spiegel, E. Wauters and G. Ruysschaert. Farmers’ rationality in soil management: which factors influence implementation of sustainable management practices in soil conservation? - A case study in Germany and Austria.
E.M. de Olde and I.J.M. de Boer. Using games to support multi-stakeholders decision-making for sustainable development of livestock production.
I. Coteur, F. Marchand, L. Debruyne, J. Bijttebier, L. Triste and L. Lauwers. Development and evaluation of an on-demand sustainability tool in Flanders.
J. Lindblom, C. Lundström and M. Ljung. Next Generation Decision Support Systems for Farmers: Sustainable Agriculture through Sustainable IT.
J. Ingram, N. Curry, J. Kirwan, D. Maye and K. Kubinakova. Linkage processes between niche and regime: an analysis of Learning and Innovation Networks for Sustainable Agriculture across Europe.
L. Triste, F. Marchand, J. Vandenabeele, L. Debruyne, I. Coteur and L. Lauwers. Approaching initiatives stimulating sustainable farming as characteristics of learning practices.
WS 1.2. Evaluation of policy schemes supporting innovation and advisory services: new concepts, methodologies and case studies
This workshop was convened by Susanne von Münchhausen, Anna M. Häring, Henrike Rieken, Kristin Davis, Pierre Labarthe, Andrea Knierim, Michael Kügler and Sabine O´Hara.
A. Koutsouris. 'Failing' to implement FAS under diverse extension contexts: a comparative account of Greece and Cyprus.
K. Prager, R. Creaney and A. Lorenzo-Arribas. Advisory services in the United Kingdom: exploring 'fit for purpose' criteria.
J. Coutts, N. Botha and J.A. Turner. Evaluating a Co-innovation Policy Initiative in New Zealand.
J. Kania, K. Vinohradnik and A. Tworzyk. Advisory Services in System of Agricultural Knowledge and Information in Poland.
J.A. Turner, K. Rijswijk, T. Williams, L. Klerkx and T. Barnard. Systemic problems hampering innovation in New Zealand Agricultural Innovation System.
S. Cristiano and P. Proietti. Farm Innovation through Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020: an evaluation model of the EIP.
A. Knierim, K. Boenning, K. Caggiano, A. Cristóvão, V. Dirimanova, T. Koehnen, P. Labarthe and K. Prager. Advisory services within national AKIS - concepts and empirical evidence from selected EU member states.
O. Hood, J. Coutts, G. Hamilton and J. Jiggins. Analysis of the Role of an Innovation Broker Appointed by an Environmental Innovation Partnership in the Cotton Industry, Queensland, Australia.
K. Poppe. Linking Innovation and Research in Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems.
G. Faure, A. Toillier and I. Moumouni. How to address up-scaling and sustainability of innovative advisory services: the case of management advice for family farms in Africa.
M. Caggiano and P. Labarthe. From the "best fit" to the "big fuss": the lost opportunities of the Italian advisory services.
WS 1.3. Innovation Platforms as Drivers of Institutional Change
This workshop was convened by Janice Jiggins, Ray Ison and Niels Röling.
M. Ayre, R. Nettle and M.E. Bobenrieth. A consultation process for developing an innovation agenda for Regional Water Productivity in Australia: the case of a fledgling innovation platform in research.
N. Botha, L. Klerkx, B. Small and J.A. Turner. Using Co-innovation to Stimulate Innovation in the New Zealand Agricultural Sector.
R. Nettle and J. Moffatt. Two steps forward and one step back: Progress towards innovation platforms for Agricultural Workforce development in Australia.
M. Feyereisen and F. Mélard. "Fairebel" fair milk: a multi-level innovation.
C. Blackmore. Learning to change farming and water managing practices in response to challenge of climate change and sustainability.
B. van Mierlo and E. Totin. Script or improvisation? Institutional conditions and their local operation.
M. Crivits. Innovation from a discursive perspective: Discourses and accountability in pig farming policies.
N. Röling, J. Jiggins, D. Hounkonnou and A. van Huis. Agricultural Research: From Recommendation Domains to Arenas for interaction. Experiences from West Africa.
R.L. Ison, P. Carberry, J. Davies, A. Hall, L. McMillan, Y. Maru, B. Pengelly, N. Reichelt, R. Stirzaker, P. Wallis, I Watson and S. Webb. Programmes, projects and learning inquiries: institutional mediation of innovation in research for development.
N. Givá and N. Sriskandarajah. Innovations for institutional change towards adaptive co-management of human inhabited National Park in Mozambique.
T. Amera and N. Sriskandarajah. Innovation platforms for Institutional change: the case of Pesticide Stewardship Network in the Ethiopian Rift Valley.
W. Wellbrock and A. Knierim. Unravelling group dynamics in institutional learning processes.
J. Reid and B. Brazendale. Insights form the New Zealand experiment in Farmer First Research.
A. van Paassen, L. Klerkx, S. Adjei-Nsiah, R. Adu-Acheampong, B. Ouologuem and E. Zannou. Agricultural innovation platforms in West Africa: How does strategic institutional entrepreneurship unfold in different value chain contexts?
WS 1.4. The development of more entrepreneurial farming systems and the move towards a more farm-level approach in innovation and learning
This workshop was convened by Pieter Seuneke, Thomas Lans and Martin Mulder.
A. Celso Fantini and S. Luis Schlindwein. Learning to run a business: transforming charcoal production of family farmers in Santa Catarina, Brazil.
A. Toillier, A. Baudoin and E. Chia. Assessing learning regimes leading to sustainable intensification at the farm level: a new perspective for management assistance for family farms.
A. de Romémont, G. Faure and C. Macombe. Can management advice to small-scale farmers trigger strategic thinking?
L. M. Hunt, J. R. Fairweather, C. J. Rosin and H. Campbell. Doing the Unthinkable: Linking Farmers’ Breadth of View and Adaptive Propensity to the Achievement of Social, Environmental and Economic Outcomes.
M. Rivera, A. T. Charlotte and I. de los Ríos. Innovation and Social Learning in Agricultural Systems. Case Study: Murcia, Spain.
P. J. Beers, A.-C. Hoes and B. van Mierlo. Toward an integrative perspective on learning in innovation initiatives: The case of the Dutch greenhouse sector.
WS 1.5. Returning to the farming and food systems as they are - Action and phenomenon based learning as prerequisite for transdisciplinarity
This workshop was convened by Geir Lieblein, Edvin Østergaard and Tor Arvid Breland.
C. Francis, G. Lieblein, T. A. Breland, E. Østergaard, S. Morse and A. M.
Nicolaysen. Bridging the Gap between Academia and Food System Stakeholders.
L. Salomonsson, M. Cuadra, C. Francis and G. Lieblein. Facilitating International Doctoral Education: Agroecology & Capacity Building.
S. Klaedtke, V. Chable and P. Stassart. Involved PhD research – a case study between agronomy and social sciences.
M. Wiedenhoeft, P. Porter, R. DeHaan and C. Francis. Creating Student Confidence for Communication with Farmer Stakeholders.
A. M. Nicolaysen, T. Arvid Breland, G. Lieblein, S. Morse and C. Francis. Assessing Agroecology Education: Qualitative Analysis of Student Learner Documents.
A. Augustyn and G. Nemes. Engaging researchers with Learning and Innovation Networks for Sustainable Agriculture (LINSAs).
S. Hofmann-Souki, J. C. Morales, J. Jarquín, M. P. Cauca, R. Herrera and M. R. Yumbla. Experiential Learning in a Transdisciplinary Setting – Learning from Experiences in Rural Development studies.
W. D. Bellotti. Transdisciplinarity as an emergent property in an agricultural research for development project.
V. Langer, M. Lund and M. A. Bendevis. MSc Agriculture students working with ex-campus stakeholders: first experiences and challenges.
WS 1.6. Linking scientists and farmers, research and application - methods of on-farm research projects in livestock sciences
This workshop was convened by Christine Leeb, Christoph Winckler and Katharina Schodl.
P. Thobe. Economic efficiency of small group housing and aviaries for laying hens in Germany.
F. Kling-Eveillard, A. Dufour, S. Cournut, N. Hostiou, S. Chauvat and G. Servière. Linking researchers, advisers and livestock farmers in a multidisciplinary approach to analysing working conditions on farms.
M. Selle, S. Hoischen-Taubner and A. Sundrum. A deductive approach to animal health planning in organic dairy farming: Method description.
J. Hamerlinck, J. Buysse, L. Lauwers and J. Van Meensel. A normative planning device to link economics with practice: the case of up scaling in dairy farming.
D.E. Dalley, J.B. Pinxterhuis, M. Hunter, t. Geedes and G. Verkerk. Balancing multiple objectives in Southland, New Zealand: Performance of dairy cow wintering systems.
K. Schodl, C. Leeb and C. Winckler. Benefits and challenges of the on-farm implementation of measures aimed at integrating aspects of sustainability into pig fattening.
WS 1.7. Collaborative learning to solve problems and develop innovations in complex systems: focus on methodologies
This workshop was convened by Brigitte Kaufmann, Christian Hülsebusch and Anja Christinck.
M.J. Restrepo, M.A. Lelea, A.Christinck, C. Hülsebusch and B. Kaufmann. Collaborative learning for self-driven change in complex situations.
C. Tardivo, S. Delmotte, C. Le Page, J.-M. Barbier and R. Cittadini. Initial diagnosis of local context for agricultural development projects: cognitive maps to conceptualize socio-ecological systems and elicit stakeholders' viewpoints.
C. Murgue, O. Therond and D. Leenhardt. Agricultural viability in a water-deficit basin: can participatory modelling and design activities trigger collaboration between water management and agriculture stakeholders?
T. Aenis and J. Wang. From information giving to mutual scenario definition: Stakeholder participation towards sustainable rubber cultivation in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China.
M. Schäfer, M. Kröger and J. Rückert-John. Integration of knowledge in inter- and transdisciplinary research projects: Use of Constellation Analysis in a project of sustainable land use management.
D.E. Dalley, J.B. Pinxterhuis, M. Hunter, T. Geddes and I. Tarbotton. A co-development approach to investigating wintering options on dairy farms in southern New Zealand.
A. Waters-Bayer, L. van Veldhuizen and C. Wettasinha. Multi-level joint learning about locally managed innovation funds.
J. Ryschawy, A. Joannon and A. Gibon. Evaluating innovative scenarios to enhance mixed crop-livestock farm sustainability: a partnership methodology based on farmers’ long-term strategies.
D. Bewsell, B. Small and K. Rijswijk. Reflections on and lessons from a deliberative process for water management – a New Zealand case study.
A. McKee, K. Holstead, L.A. Sutherland, T. Pinto-Correia and H. Guimarães. ‘Shift happens’: Co-constructing transition pathways towards the regional sustainability of agriculture in Europe.
E. Chantre, L. Prost, G. Laurence and R. Raymond. Re-thinking agricultural practices to improve water quality: two participatory methodologies for collaborative learning.
J. Chavez-Tafur, T. Pinzas and T. Gianella. From systematization to learning.
O. Nicetic and E. van de Fliert. Changing institutional culture: PM&E in transdisciplinary research for development.
S. Hofmann-Souki, Á. Acevedo Osorio, T. Camacho Bernal, W. Bokelmann, J. Cruz Morales, M. López and M. Rosa Yumbla. Establishing transdisciplinary research and learning environments for rural development – a network and process model.
A. Torre and F. Wallet. Innovative governance and dynamics of cognitive models for agriculture in territorial development ? Lessons from a collaborative research program.
WS 1.8. Knowledge and innovation brokers: lubricating knowledge development and innovation networks
This workshop was convened by Eelke Wielinga, Laurens Klerks and Michael Kuegler.
A. Koutsouris. Exploring the emerging ‘intermediation’ (facilitation and brokerage) roles in agricultural extension.
K. Diehl and A. Beblek. Modeling transdisciplinary cooperation in the agriculture sector for European Innovation Partnerships.
B. King and R. Nettle. Third party roles of brokers in temporary knowledge networks.
Q. Toffolini, M.-H. Jeuffroy and L. Prost. Transition towards low-input cropping systems: characterization of actionable knowledge for technical change.
S. Cristiano and P. Proietti. Acting as Agricultural Innovation brokerage in Italy: experiences from the Rural Development Programmes 2007-2013.
P. Proietti and G. Brunori. Become a broker: the metamorphosis of an advisor.
E. Wielinga. Concepts for Co-Creating Innovations in the EIP.
U. Knuth and A. Knierim. How to strengthen the link between advisors and research in a privatized advisory system? – The case of Brandenburg, Germany.
K. Marquardt, Ö. Bartholdson, A. Pain, R. Porro and L. Salomsson. The clash between global master-plans and local contexts: conflicts and contradictions within initiatives for payment of ecosystem services in Brazil and Nepal.
WS 1.9. Farmland (bio-)diversity in the hands and minds of farmers: Farming systems approaches to landscape protection and biodiversity preservation
This workshop was convened by Robert Home, Maiann Suhner and Silvia Tobias.
F. Alavoine-Mornas and S. Girard. Green belts in the hands and minds of farmers: A socio-agronomical approach to farmers’ practices.
K. Marquardt, Ö. Bartholdson, A. Pain, R. Porro and L. Salomsson. The Clash between Global Master-plans and Local Contexts: conflicts and contradictions within initiatives for payment of ecosystem services in Brazil and Nepal.
P. Borsotto, S. Chaussod and S. Trione. Provision of Public Goods Through Mountain Meadows and Pastures in Aosta Valley (Italy).
A. M. Nicolaysen, C. Francis and G. Lieblein. Farmer Supported Biodiversity Conservation in Uttarakhand, India.
P. Rytkönen, M. Bonow and P. Dinnétz. Mountain agriculture at the crossroads, biodiversity, culture, and modernization, conflicting and interacting interests.
D. Brédart, D. Denayer and M. Mormont. Toward redesigning the relationship between farming systems and biodiversity conservation.
K. Prager. Sustainable landscape management – the view from the grassroots.
R. Home, O. Balmer, I. Jahrl, M. Stolze and L. Pfiffner. Motivations for implementation of ecological compensation areas on Swiss farms.