Theme 1: Learning and collective action
Overview of the workshops:
WS 1.1. Knowledge flows in pluralistic research and advisory systems
WS 1.2. Family farms as educational farms. Possibilities and perspectives
WS 1.3. Understanding agricultural structural changes to support inclusive policy dialogue
WS 1.1. Knowledge flows in pluralistic research and advisory systems
This workshop was convened by Laurens Klerkx and Pierre Labarthe.
L. Bartoli, M. De Rosa and G. La Rocca. The impact of agricultural extension services: an empirical test through AKAP models.
H. Brives, P. Riousset and S. de Tourdonnet. Converation Agriculture is shaped through advisory schemes.
C. Charatsari, A. Papadaki-Klavdianou and A. Koutsouris. Conventional services for organic farmers? Attitudes of organic and conventional producers towards extension education.
G. Faure, E. Penot, J. Chrysostome Rakotondravelo, H. Andrisoa Ramahatoraka, P. Dugué and A. Toillier. Which advisory system to support innovation in conversation agriculture? The case of Madagascar's Lake Alaotra.
N. Kaberis and A. Koutsouris. Reflections on the "expert syndrome": a Greek case study on extension education.
E. Karamidehkordi. Public-Private policy Change and its Influence on the Linkage of Agricultural Research, Extension and Farmers in Iran.
L. Klerkx and A. Proctor.Beyond fragmentation and disconnect: networks for knowledge sharing in the English land management advisory system.
U. Knuth and A. Knierim. The advisors’ view on the privatized extension system in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany.
P. Labarthe, F. Gallouj and C. Laurent. Privatization of advisory services and the quality of evidence produced for farmers.
I. Moumouni and P. Labarthe. Institutionalization of knowledge sharing platforms in the last three decades in Francophone Sub Saharan Africa.
WS 1.2. Family farms as educational farms. Possibilities and perspectives
C. Lundström and M. Ljung. Collaboration between farms and schools in Sweden – What does it take to succeed?
H. Wydler. The state of the art of school farming in Switzerland – the case of SchuB.
WS 1.3. Understanding agricultural structural changes to support inclusive policy dialogue
This workshop was convened by MarieAude Even,Timothy Robinson, Pierre Gasselin, Jean-Michel Sourisseau,Genevieve Nguyen, Jacques Loyat and Pierre-Marie Bosc.
K. Abbas. Animal production systems in Algeria: transformation and tendencies in the Sétif area.
W. Anseeuw and A. Ducastel. From Investment funds and Asset Management Companies to questions about Africa’s farmers.
P.-M. Bosc, H. George, M.-A. Even, J.-F. Bélières and J. Loyat. Agricultural transformations: Their diversity and the challenges they pose.
R. Carriquiry, H. Morales, P. De Hegedus and J. Tourrand. Heterogeneity and vulnerability of livestock in forest plantations of Uruguay.
N. Cialdella, S.A. De Carvalho, V. Vaz, T. Barbosa, C. Thales, M. Mourão, E. Coudel R. Poccard-Chappuis and J.F. Tourrand. Do political changes regarding livestock farming, beef supply chain and Amazonian forest protection, contribute to ecological intensification?
S. Freguin-Gresh and W. Anseeuw. Integrating Smallholders into the Global Economy: Agri-businesses, Contracts and Public Policy in South Africa.
S. Freguin-Gresh, E. White and B. Losch. Rural Transformation and Structural Change: insights from Developing Countries facing Globalization.
P. Gasselin, M. Vaillant and B. Bathfield. The activity system. A position paper.
H. George, P.-M. Bosc, M.-A. Even, J.-F. Belieres and C. Bessou. WAW proposed methodological framework to monitor agricultural structural transformations and their contributions to sustainable development.
C. Léger and F. Alavoine-Momas. Farmers land rationales in the context of urban sprawl: when decisions don’t mean project. A method to understand farmer’s strategies.
P. Martin, C. Ronfort, D. Laroutis, V. Souchère and C. Sebillotte. Impact on erosive runoff and costs for local communities of agricultural-soil-use-change scenarios: the case of Pays de Caux (France).
S. L. Saravia Matus, S. Acs and S. Gomez y Paloma.(Semi)Subsistence Agricultural Systems in Sierra Leone: Present and Future Challenges.
K. Medernach, P. Burnod and H. Rakotomalala. Large scale foreign land acquisitions: what interactions, opportunities and risks for different local farming systems? A case-study in Madagascar.
G. Nguyen and F. Purseigle. The emergence of “firm” agriculture in France: Characteristics and coexistence with family farms.
E. Penot, M. Bar and H. David-Benz. Use of relevant economic indicators for the evaluation of farming systems in terms of viability, resilience, vulnerability and sustainability: the case of the Lake Alaotra region in Madagascar.
L.M. Pereira. The future of the food system: cases involving the private sector in South Africa.
P. Pointereau, B. Langevin and M. Gimaret. DIALECTE, a comprehensive and quick tool to assess the agro-environmental performance of farms.
A. Toillier and G. Serpantié. How to design a pro-poor payments for environmental services (PES) mechanism in the forest frontier? Lessons from action-research in Madagascar.