Theme 2: Transition, resilience and adaptive management
Overview of workshops:
WS 2.1 - Methods and procedures for building sustianable farming systems
WS 2.2 - Narratives of interdisciplinary studies of farm system sustainability
WS 2.3 - Family farming under pressure. Reassessing options for liveability and permanence
WS 2.4 - Farming's relation to unconscious systems: Pictures, images and symbols
WS 2.5 - Adaptive management in subsistence agriculture
WS 2.1 - Methods and procedures for building sustainable farming systems
This workshop was convened by Ana Alexandra Marta-Costa and Emiliana L. Soares da Silva
F. Danuso, F. Rosa, A. Rocca and E. Bulfoni. X-Farm: A model for sustainable farming systems simulation. pp. 779-790.
S. Van Passel and M. Meul. Multilevel sustainability assessment of farming systems: a practical approach. pp. 791-800.
C.R. Binder and G. Feola. Normative, systemic and procedural aspects: a review of indicator-based sustainability assessments in agriculture. pp. 801-811.
M. Terrier, P. Gasselin and J. Le Blanc. Assessing the sustainability of activity systems to support agricultural households’ projects. pp. 812-822.
B. Elzen and S. Spoelstra. Towards sustainable livestock production systems – Outline of a Learning and Experimentation Strategy (LES). pp. 823-834.
A. Marta-Costa, F. Manso, L. Tibério and C. Fonseca. Assay of a sustainable farming model for the Montemuro mountain (Portugal). pp. 835-844.
E. Ghadban, S. Talhouk, I. Bashour, M. Chedid and S.K. Hamadeh. Adapting a European Sustainability Model to a local context in semi-arid areas of Lebanon. pp. 845-849.
N. Castoldi, A. Schmid, L. Bechini and C.R. Binder. Trade-ecological indicators: application of Sustainable Solution Space to maize cropping systems in northern Italy. pp. 850-860.
G.C. Pacini, J.C.J. Groot, F. Bacigalupe, C. Vazzana and S. Dogliotti. Systematic evaluation of indicator sets for farming system diagnosis and design. pp. 861-871.
C. Thalmann and J. Grenz. Factors affecting the implementation of measures for improving sustainability on farms following the RISE sustainability evaluation. pp. 872-880.
P. Veysset, M. Lherm and D. Bébin. Are organic suckler cattle farming systems more sustainable than conventional systems? Productive, environmental and economic performances assessments: a model-based study. pp. 881-892.
J. Björklund and B. Johansson. Assessing multifunctionality in relation to resource use – A holistic approach to measure efficiency, developed by participatory research. pp. 893-902.
F. Hayer, E. Bonnin, B. Carrouée, G. Gaillard, T. Nemecek, A. Schneider and C. Vivier. Designing sustainable crop rotations using Life Cycle Assessment of crop combinations. pp. 903-911.
M. Gafsi and J. Luc Favreau. Appropriate method to assess the sustainability of organic farming systems. pp. 912-921.
D. Parent, V. Bélanger, A. Vanasse, G. Allard and D. Pellerin. Method for the evaluation of farm sustainability in Quebec, Canada: The social aspect. pp. 922-930.
P. Mouron, U. Aubert, B. Heijne, A. Naef, J. Strassemeyer, F. Hayer, G. Gaillard, G. Mack, J. Hernandez, J. Avilla, J. Solé, B. Saupanor, A. Alaphilippe, A. Patocchi, J. Samietz, H. Höhn, E. Bravin, C. Lavigne, M. Bohanec and F. Bigler. A multicriteria decision method assessing the overall sustainability of new crop protection strategies: the case of apple growing in Europe. pp. 931-941.
A. Sintori, K. Tsiboukas and G. Zervas. Evaluating socio-economic and environmental sustainability of the sheep farming activity in Greece: A whole farm mathematical programming approach. pp. 942-952.
S. Eilleen Domptail, M. Easdale and Yuerlita. Managing socio-ecological systems to achieve sustainability: A study of resilience and robustness. pp. 953-964.
M. Mosciaro and C. Iorio. Tendency of production decisions of the farmers of the Southeast Pampa region in Argentina under uncertainty conditions. pp. 965-972.
WS 2.2 - Narratives of interdisciplinary studies of farm system sustainability
This workshop was convened by Lesley Hunt and John Fairweather
M. Padmanabhan, M. Lippe, I. Kunze and M. Jose. BioDIVA - Transformation knowledge for equitable and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity. pp. 973-980.
L. Hunt. Positioning our experiences: A theoretical take on transdisciplinarity. pp. 981-991.
WS 2.3 - Family farming under pressure. Reassessing options for liveability and permanence
This workshop was convened by Catherine Macombe, Sophie Madelrieux, Benoit Dedieu and Hans Langeveld
C. Macombe, S. Madelrieux, B. Dedieu and H. Langeveld. Family farming under pressure: Reassessing options for liveability and permanence - An overview. pp. 992-993. (PowerPoint slides with summary)
F. Barroso, H. Menezes and T. Pinto-Correia. Identifying land management typologies: Transition to multifunctionality in Mediterranean extensive farming systems. pp. 994-1003.
H. Menezes, F. Barroso and T. Pinto-Correira. How can we link farm management to amenity functions, through the landscape pattern? Application to a case study in Southern Portugal. pp. 1004-1013.
A. Landry Dongmo, E. Vall, J. Lossouarn, P. Dugué and A. Njoya. Who owns the plant biomass? Designing a process of co-management of crop residues for cattle and soils in Sudano-Sahelian Africa. pp. 1014-1024.
C. Magalhaes, H. Drouvot and P. Perluss. A coherent agri-energy policy to foster social inclusion for peasant families: the role of Petrobras on the João Câmara and Ceará-Mirim sites (state of Rio Grande do Norte). pp. 1025-1035.
W. Wellbrock, B. Antunović, S. Oosting and B. Bock. Smallholder pig farming in Croatia: Destined to become extinct or worth saving? pp. 1036-1043.
F. Hellec and A. Blouet. Is organic farming more liveable? A survey of dairy farmers in the East of France. pp. 1044-1054.
S. Madelrieux, B. Nettier and L. Dobremez. Farm, family and work: new forms, new adjustments? Liveability in the dynamics of livestock farming systems. pp. 1055-1065.
J.-P. Rodriguez, S. Ivanov, A. Vasov and G. Schwarz. Conserving autochthonous farm animal breeds through rural initiatives in South-Eastern Serbia. pp. 1066-1074.
L. Tang, P.A. Grötz, T. Aenis and U.J. Nagel. Farming system changes in South-West China: Impacts of rubber cultivation. 1075-1082.
G. Alexopoulos, A. Koutsouris and I. Tzouramani. Should I stay or should I go? Factors affecting farmers’ decision to convert to organic farming as well as to abandon it. pp. 1083-1093.
K. Hayashi and M. Sato. Farmers’ responses to social impact indicators for agricultural and community practices: a case study of organic rice production in Japan. pp. 1094-1102.
A. Leshem, T. Aenis and P. Grötz. Can intercropping innovations bring ecological and economic goals together? The case of Nabanhe Nature Reserve, China. pp. 1103-1108.
A. Crawford, R. Nettle, P. Brightling and C. Hibburt. Enhancing the liveability of farm systems: Supporting new farm and advisory practices in the Australian dairy industry. pp. 1109-1116.
C. Fiorelli, J. Porcher and B. Dedieu. Improving farm working conditions: A proposal to characterise the individual relationship to work. A case study based on French multi-jobholder sheep farmers. pp. 1117-1128.
M. Schmitt and H. Inhetveen. Balancing uncertainties – Women farmers on small- and medium-scale enterprises face the modernization of agriculture. pp. 1129-1137.
C. Petit, F. Bressoud and C. Aubry. The effects of transition towards short supply chains on liveability of farming systems: initial findings and further research needs. pp. 1138-1147.
S. Cournut and S. Chauvat. Work organisation in livestock farms and farm liveability: Research findings from France. pp. 1148-1157.
F. Kling-Eveillard, S. Chauvat, B. Dedieu, G. Servière and N. Sabatté. The “Work on livestock farms” network (WLFN): Building a new domain of learning and intervention. pp. 1158-1168.
C. Rueff and A. Gibon. Using a view of livestock farms as social-ecological systems to study the local variety in their trajectories of change. pp. 1169-1179.
E. Rogge and R. Dessein. Should I stay or should I go? The impact of major trends in the agricultural sector on farmers’ decision to continue or end their business. pp. 1180-1188.
R. Rossier. Giving up agriculture for a new career. pp. 1189-1199.
WS 2.4 - Farming's relation to unconscious systems: Pictures, images and symbols for (non-)sustainable futures
This workshop was convened by Otto Schmid, Nikola Patzel, Thomas Lindenthal and Flurina Schneider
S. Helmle. The image of agriculture in Germany: An empirical survey and structural equation model. pp. 1200-1205.
A. Caron, C. Buissier, S. Woelhing and S. Ingrand. Which place for sustainability commitments in marketing documents of grass-based quality food products from Auvergne? pp. 1206-1213.
M. Caggiano. Les “Jardins Partagés” in Paris: cultivating visions and symbols. pp. 1214-1221.
T. Asplund. Metaphors in climate discourse: An analysis of Swedish farm magazines. pp. 1222-1232.
O. Schmid and N. Patzel. Images becoming symbols for individual pathways in sustainable agriculture—Practical testing of a methodology. pp. 1233.
N. Patzel. Occurrence, function and meaning of symbols in agriculture. pp. 1234-1236.
O. Schmid, N. Patzel and J. Plagge. Values and value conflicts in organic farming — Images and symbolic ideas as starting point for strategic planning in advisory and research work. pp. 1237-1243.
WS 2.5 - Adaptive management in subsistence agriculture
This workshop was convened by Christine Buchmann
C. Buchmann. Farming systems dynamics: The quest for a methodology to measure social-ecological resilience in subsistence agriculture. pp. 2247-2252.
N. Cialdella and B. Dedieu. What action logics do family livestock farmers have to maintain their activity over the long term? pp. 1244-1254.
X. Coquil, B. Dedieu and P. Béguin. How do livestock and crop sciences represent evolutions of farming systems? A review. pp. 1255-1266.
M. Canali and F. Slaviero. Food insecurity and risk management of smallholder farming systems in Ethiopia. pp. 1267-1278.
I. Fischer and G. Buchenrieder. Risk management of vulnerable rural households in southeast Asia. pp. 1279-1288.
M. Tibério, F. Manso, A. Marta-Costa, C. Fonseca and A. Monzon. Protected areas, subsistence farming systems and nature conservation. pp. 1289-1299.