Themes and workshops at the IFSA 2010 Symposium

The five themes give an overview of the issues that will be addressed at the 9th European IFSA Symposium. Within each theme, there are several workshops adressing specific aspects of the theme.

Download an overview of all workshops


Theme 1: Knowledge systems, learning and collective action

How can we empower co-development, appreciate and make use of the multiple views of stakeholders? What participatory approaches have proven fruitful? How can we understand and facilitate learning networks and multilevel institutions? What are relevant theories and experiences on innovation and change management for rural development?
Click here to see a brief description of the workshops, or download the abstracts of the papers that will be presented during the workshops below

WS 1.1: Innovation and change facilitation for rural development
WS 1.2: Care farming: Challenges in innovations in agriculture and social care
WS 1.3: Reaching the unreached
WS 1.4: Design, methods, system approaches and co-innovations
WS 1.5: Transdisciplinarity: integrating science and stakeholder perspectives
WS 1.6: Learning from and with local experts
WS 1.7: Virtual realities and The future of distance learning in rural areas
WS 1.8: Knowledge systems, innovations and social learning in organic farming


Theme 2: Transition, resilience and adaptive management

What attitudes, structures and activities build and sustain the ability of farmers and farming communities to cope with on-going change? What role do flexibility and diversity play in enabling transformation pathways and in enabling actors to take advantage of the opportunities offered by change?
Click here to see a brief description of the workshops, or download the abstracts of the papers that will be presented during the workshops below

WS 2.1: Methods and procedures for building sustainable farming systems
WS 2.2: Narratives of interdisciplinary studies of farm system sustainability
WS 2.3: Family farming under pressure. Reassessing options for liveabiltiy and permanence
WS 2.4: Farming's relation to unconscious systems: Images for (non-)sustainable futures
WS 2.5: Adaptive management in susbistence agriculture


Theme 3: Energy production, CO2 sink and climate change

Within a multifunctional approach, farming is a provider of public goods, of energy as well as a climate change mitigator. What technologies and governance systems allow farms to play their wider role in society? What is the added value or the competitive advantage of farms compared to other service providers?
Click here to see a brief description of the workshops, or download the abstracts of the papers that will be presented during the workshops below

3.1: Climate change: Agriculture, food security and human health
3.2: Addressing climate change in the food chain: How to make changes in practice?
3.3: Sustainable biofuel production in developing countries
3.4: Promoting the discovery of alternative futures by reframing climate change communication


Theme 4: Sustainable food systems

Which food systems strengthen the links between rural and urban areas? What is the role of quality and eco-labels? How can localised food systems contribute to sustainability? What are the interdependencies with culinary traditions, food consumption habits and movements such as slow-food?
Click here to see a brief description of the workshops, or download the abstracts of the papers that will be presented during the workshops below

4.1: Mountain food products: A special system of provision
4.2: Localised and sustainable agri-food systems in times of rural changes
4.3: Fair and regional: New trends of organic and sustainable food systems
4.4: Transitions towards sustainable agriculture: From farmers to agro-food systems
4.5: Animal welfare: Education - labelling - action


Theme 5: Landscape and rural land use

How can the spatial scale of farming systems be explicitly addressed? How can we deepen our understanding of dynamics, timing and drivers of change across scale? How can ecological, social and economic demands on natural resource management be integrated at the landscape level?
Click here to see a brief description of the workshops, or download the files with the abstracts of the papers that will be presented during the workshops below

WS 5.1: Designing sustainable landscapes
WS 5.2: Landscape and tourism: New models and practices
WS 5.3: Systems approach in technology-oriented farming system design
WS 5.4: Education in landscape and territory agronomy